I am Baptist waiting the start of RCIA.
You cannot convince a rabbid Baptist by attacking his religion. Don’t even try.
Yes, very difficult indeed. Keep in mind, however, that Baptist Churches are each somewhat unique. And that there are several Baptist “denominations”. Southern Baptist. American Baptist. Trinity Baptist. National Baptist (me).
Just start with the Apostle’s Creed… They will agree with most of them.
I always loved the Apostle’s Creed and never had any problem with any of it.
Then go to Matthew 16: v 17 - 19. These verses indisputably tell us that Jesus Christ built His Church on the “Rock” - Peter.
Unfortunately, there are several major ways to look at those verses. The real clincher for me is to see that and Isaiah 22:22-25 together. To see how the “Key of the House of David” worked and to understand that it was the type for the Keys of the Church given to St. Peter. Otherwise, the Eastern Orthodox understanding of Mt 16:17-19 is an easy way to deny the Roman Catholic view.
Anyway, for me the big issue was transubstantiation. That I had thought it pretty much all along (taking the Bible literally as Baptists do everywhere else). And the new minister at our Church shows up and says “symbolic” over and over and over. I couldn’t see why Jesus wouldn’t mean what He said on such an important matter. Anyway, I had to disregard the Bible on transubstantiation and instead looked at the fruit. I looked at those Roman Catholics who have indeed influenced my life by their writing or by their lives.
The scriptural backing for my method of determination is John 7:15-20. The context of John 7:15-20 is set up in John 7:13-14. I’m paraphrasing: The correct way that leads to life is narrow. Those who find it are few. There are many false prophets. And how can I determine the right way if I am lost. If I am a lost sheep, how can I find the Good Shepherd?
“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit.”
“So by their fruits you will know them.”
Bishop Sheen. Father Damian. And the local Benedictine Sisters here in Manassas VA.
I conclude that those Roman Catholics had displayed the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Idol worshipers don’t display the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Heretics don’t either. So their lives to me are the proof. It is illogical to me to conclude that these who think transubstantiation are frying in hell for heresy or idol worship. When they showed so much of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
The scriptures in John 7:13-20 are not subject to debate. They are plain. So God forgive me if I am wrong. Because I am not a Bible Scholar. I decided to go where I see some have borne much fruit.
Prayer is obviously required. It literally took at least one minor miracle to convince me (I have read most of Jack Chick’s material). And who knows how many miracles I didn’t see? So prayer is needed.
I also suspect that if you can somehow get the Baptist person to intentionally bless themselves with Holy Water it may start a work.
When JFK was shot, like many other children I felt sorry for that little boy on TV who was holding his mother’s hand (he was smaller than me). He didn’t have his daddy any more. When Jr’s plan went down, for some reason I thought just in case the Catholics are right I’m going over to All Saints Catholic Church and pray for him to be found. I went in the empty Church, blessed myself with Holy Water, said a simple prayer to Mary by all the candles, lit a candle and may have put a token donation in the poor box. Man is that Baptist crazy or what? Well, I always felt some child-like love for John F. Kennedy, Jr. (perhaps like so many other Americans my age). I know that is how miracles can happen. With Faith, Hope and Love. When they were found dead I thought to myself “well my praying didn’t help.” Perhaps it helped me instead.