How do I defend my faith?

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Hi! I am new here and not sure where to post? I posted this somehwhere else but am needing quick answers.

I received a letter today from my husband’s aunt and uncle. They are trying to “save” us from going to hell. They left the church many years ago and are trying to convert us as well as my inlaws. My husband and family just ignore them but I feel the need to respond.

The following statements were made in the letter they sent me:
The Catholic church is not a Christian church.
Catholics don’t know they are going to heaven and are taught this.
Catholics are told to place their faith in the church…not Jesus Christ.
Catholics know little about the bible.
They fear for our eternity.

This letter really upsets me. I want to defend my faith but am not sure how to go about it. I would appreciate any suggestions!

Thank you!
The following statements were made in the letter they sent me:
The Catholic church is not a Christian church.
Catholics don’t know they are going to heaven and are taught this.
Catholics are told to place their faith in the church…not Jesus Christ.
Catholics know little about the bible.
They fear for our eternity.
Firstly, I suggest you and your family to do is to have your lives as witnesses of your faith. Secondly, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you this. Many times, when we discuss our faith with that of others, bad conversation starts. In your case, be wise and be patient. Don’t rush into debating if you know it is not the time. Praying to know when/what to talk/listen.

For those claims made by your relatives, you don’t have to start with your defending yet. You can make them do their own homework by asking them something like this:

Ask them to provide you proof and explanation for all the statements they made, and you yourself do not need to explain much about this yet. While waiting for their proof and explanation, you start to prepare answering why such statements are wrong.

You, actually I could post one or a few statements made by your relatives, in Apologetics forum, and we both can see how people respond. 🙂

There are some websites for you to read, and one of them is on this site at the homepage and I need to check out the website given by ExREFORM.
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth

WHETHER or not you are Catholic, you may have questions about the Catholic faith. You may have heard challenges to the Catholic Church’s claim to be the interpreter and safeguard of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
                    Such challenges come from door-to-door missionaries who ask, "Are                         you saved?", from peer pressure that urges you to ignore the Church’s                         teachings, from a secular culture that whispers "There is no God."                         

                    You can’t deal with these challenges unless you understand the basics                         of the Catholic faith. This booklet introduces them to you. 

                    In Catholicism you will find answers to life’s most troubling questions:                         Why am I here? Who made me? What must I believe? How must I act? All these                         can be answered to your satisfaction, if only you will open yourself to                         God’s grace, turn to the Church he established, and follow his plan for                         you (John 7:17).


Look at the menus on the left for other answers.
Thank you for your thoughts and information! I will definitely look in to all of these things. I feel that this only helps me to become a better Catholic! I have a lot to learn.🙂 I will continue to be praying!

Somewhat in order:
Let them know that they have been terribly mislead. Tell them that their church is bible centered, but the Catholic church is Christ centered. Ask if they worship Christ, or just the book written about His life. The Catholic church is the one and only church founded by our Lord on Peter. Ask them if they have a personal relationship with Jesus. When they answer “yes” ask them when they last ate His Body and drank His Blood (John 6:53). Remind them there is no more personal relationship possible than to eat His Body and Drink His Blood.

Tell them that the bible, inspired as it is, is essentially Cliff Notes of the life of Jesus. Have them read John 21:25. Wasn’t the life of our Savior much more than what was written about it decades after he ascended?

We should NEVER be so conceited as to assume our salvation. Judas travelled and taught with Jesus for three years, driving out demons and performing miracles. Do they think Judas is in heaven? (Mark 14:17). Yes, it appears you can lose your salvation. To assume salvation is to put your God to the test. Uh, last I checked, that’s prohibited! (Luke 4:12)

Where in h*** did they hear that we have no faith in Christ? From their pastor, or the printing company that does his leaflets? The Catholic church is the visible, earthly Body of Christ, with Jesus as its head. (1 Corinthians 12:27) I think we can trust that to some extent. Our salvation remains with the sacrifice He submitted to for us.

True that most Catholics do not know as much about the bible as most protestants. However, the bible is ALL THEY HAVE! We have the Eucharist, which IS Christ! We have nearly 2,000 years of the tradition passed on by Saint Paul and the Twelve. Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ, and many are guilty-I am the first, but I am struggling forward. Remember that our conversion is a lifelong, on-going process, not a simple catch-phrase.

Ask them whose eternity is at stake: Their bible has seven less books of scripture (some of which Christ just MAY have read in the temple-who knows?); their church has five less Sacraments; their “Pastor” has no more authority to interpret scripture than I do! Advise them that your Priest can trace his ordination all the way back to one of the twelve Apostles. How far back does their church go-would you have to check the lease to see? Ask them why their church rejects the Body and Blood of Christ-rejects His last commandment before his arrest. (1 Corinthians 11:23-29). If they don’t believe Christ, maybe they’ll believe Saint Paul!

Ask them why they left the faith and what they were looking for. Ask them if they believe in Satan. Yes? Then which church would he attack the most-the One True church, or those fragments that split off?

But, let not your heart be troubled. God is in charge and has a plan for them to return to the faith. It involves prayer-a lot of it. It also involves increasing faith on your part so that they may see your holiness and be inspired by it.

The Lord richly bless you.

Sorry! I got a little fired up there! Ask them to don their flame-proof suits and attend mass-for the first time in years. The True Presence and the Holy Spirit have a knack for calling their names.

Christ’s peace to you, and them.
Hi! I am new here and not sure where to post? I posted this somehwhere else but am needing quick answers.

I received a letter today from my husband’s aunt and uncle. They are trying to “save” us from going to hell. They left the church many years ago and are trying to convert us as well as my inlaws. My husband and family just ignore them but I feel the need to respond.

The following statements were made in the letter they sent me:
The Catholic church is not a Christian church.
Catholics don’t know they are going to heaven and are taught this.
Catholics are told to place their faith in the church…not Jesus Christ.
Catholics know little about the bible.
They fear for our eternity.

This letter really upsets me. I want to defend my faith but am not sure how to go about it. I would appreciate any suggestions!

Thank you!
Are you looking for answers or understanding?

Do you want someone else to defend “my faith”? How long have you been Catholic?

Does your husband and family ignore them because they do not know how to defend what they believe, or do not really know what they claim to believe? That may be easier to ignore than to acknowledge.

Why not share with them in your own words what you believe, be open and honest. Sure it won’t be a perfect explanation, but it will be your expanation of your faith. And when you encounter questions about what you believe, ask God for wisdom, pray, read Scripture and the Catechism, ask respected Catholics and other Christians and test what they tell you: take ownership of your faith, and grow in your faith. The defense or explanation does not need to be perfect, however it should be your faith, your understanding, and not someone else’s. If you rely on other’s prepared answers, then is it really your faith?

As far as “Catholics don’t know they are going to heaven and are taught this.”: I’ll assume you have attended Mass regularly for years. If so, may be able to answer from experience whether you heard this or not, and share what you have learned in this regard.

As far as “Catholics know little about the bible.”:
Tell them what you know about the Bible. How often you hear it at Mass, how often you read it on your own, and what the Bible has taught you, both at Mass and at home. Your own witness may validate or invalidate their perception.

“Catholics are told to place their faith in the church…not Jesus Christ.”
Has this been your experience? What is your understanding of what they mean by the Church? What or who would you tell them you place your faith in?

“They fear for our eternity.”
Why? Have you given them reason to believe that you do not take your faith seriously? Do your words and actions reflect faith in Jesus Christ? If not, their fear may be from genuine concern.

“The Catholic church is not a Christian church.”
Do you think this is true? How would you summarize your faith? If you were to share the message of the gospel with someone else, what would you say? What are the key elements of your faith? Or is it more of a social thing, out of family tradition to be “Catholic”. (I’m not assuming one way or the other how deep your faith, and understanding of your faith, is.)

If your aunt and uncle have left the faith they already know chuch teaching. I am with your husband. throw them out. You will never win this one. It my sound odd but the devil has them right where he wants them and he wants you too. pray for them to convert back. Always be kind but never engage with them because that is what they want. they want you to turn against the chuch. Maybe ask them why they left the chuch. I garantee it is something small. It is a very disiplined life to be catholic. Someone once said it was to much work. Good Luckwith all of this.👍 👋 👋
Hi! I am new here and not sure where to post? I posted this somehwhere else but am needing quick answers.

I received a letter today from my husband’s aunt and uncle. They are trying to “save” us from going to hell. They left the church many years ago and are trying to convert us as well as my inlaws. My husband and family just ignore them but I feel the need to respond.

The following statements were made in the letter they sent me:
The Catholic church is not a Christian church.
Catholics don’t know they are going to heaven and are taught this.
** Catholics are told to place their faith in the church…not Jesus Christ. **
Catholics know little about the bible.
They fear for our eternity.

This letter really upsets me. I want to defend my faith but am not sure how to go about it. I would appreciate any suggestions!

Thank you!
I’ve gotten the one I highlighted in red, recently, from my son. So, we can explore the answer to this one together! :blessyou:
Thank you all for your responses! I truly appreciate all of the feedback.

I have been Catholic all of my life. I was actually blessed by Pope Paul IV in 1972 in Italy. My dad was stationed there. He was in the air force. My parents went to see the Pope. My mom describes thousands of people. They were told to hold babies up when he passed because he may bless them. When they came by, my mom held me up. A guard took me and passed me to the Pope. He then blessed me and they passed me back. An experience that made my mom cry! I feel blessed.

I have also taught 2nd grade catechism for many years. I love teaching the children! Of course, teaching children is different then defending my faith.

I still feel that I have so much to learn. I originally wanted to respond to them because I was so taken back. So I wanted to sound completely educated. I guess that’s why I searched for answers. I could definitely tell them what I know and believe but wanted to convince them I guess with “correctly worded” answers.

The more I have thought, the more I am thinking to ignore them. My mother in law’s entire family left the church 20 years ago. Her parents, and five siblings. She was devistated by this. Someone talked her mom in to leaving, and she took everyone with them (except mil). She has tried to talk and explain to them, but they wont listen. She is done with them and continues to pray.

Actually, her mother asked her to take her to church and confession just weeks before she passed. My mother in law is so greatful for this!

I had just met his aunt and uncle for the first time before they sent us the letter. So I am thinking it would probably be best to leave this alone. They would probably love for me to debate them. They wont hear me anyway! I will continue to pray for them and if am confronted I will definitely defend my faith.

Thank you again! I have already learned a great deal!
Thank you all for your responses! I truly appreciate all of the feedback.

I have been Catholic all of my life. I was actually blessed by Pope Paul IV in 1972 in Italy. My dad was stationed there. He was in the air force. My parents went to see the Pope. My mom describes thousands of people. They were told to hold babies up when he passed because he may bless them. When they came by, my mom held me up. A guard took me and passed me to the Pope. He then blessed me and they passed me back. An experience that made my mom cry! I feel blessed.

I have also taught 2nd grade catechism for many years. I love teaching the children! Of course, teaching children is different then defending my faith.

I still feel that I have so much to learn. I originally wanted to respond to them because I was so taken back. So I wanted to sound completely educated. I guess that’s why I searched for answers. I could definitely tell them what I know and believe but wanted to convince them I guess with “correctly worded” answers.

The more I have thought, the more I am thinking to ignore them. My mother in law’s entire family left the church 20 years ago. Her parents, and five siblings. She was devistated by this. Someone talked her mom in to leaving, and she took everyone with them (except mil). She has tried to talk and explain to them, but they wont listen. She is done with them and continues to pray.

Actually, her mother asked her to take her to church and confession just weeks before she passed. My mother in law is so greatful for this!

I had just met his aunt and uncle for the first time before they sent us the letter. So I am thinking it would probably be best to leave this alone. They would probably love for me to debate them. They wont hear me anyway! I will continue to pray for them and if am confronted I will definitely defend my faith.

Thank you again! I have already learned a great deal!
“and if am confronted I will definitely defend my faith”

You were confronted, plain and simple. So which is it, ignore or defend? Are their souls so insignificant that it is not worth you time explaining your faith? You have the time to teach 2nd graders, children of other families. Is there time to share your faith in your own family? Take time if needed to pray and prepare, yet keep in mind what the Church teaches through Pau’s writting:

2 Tim 4:1-12 “I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and (J)will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

Besides, defending or explaining one’s faith is a great way to grow in one’s faith.

I guess I should have stated that if confronted again, I will defend it. I have truly been torn about this. My mother in law doesnt want me to communicate with them. She said she has tried so many times and that the more she does, the more she gets bombarded with tapes, pamphlets, etc. So I guess my thinking was that I need to continue to pray, but confronting them wont help. She is worried that they will continue. I want to respect her wishes, but do understand that defending my faith is important!

I will pray for guidance. I appreciate your insight on this. I understand both sides!
I guess I should have stated that if confronted again, I will defend it. I have truly been torn about this. My mother in law doesnt want me to communicate with them. She said she has tried so many times and that the more she does, the more she gets bombarded with tapes, pamphlets, etc. So I guess my thinking was that I need to continue to pray, but confronting them wont help. She is worried that they will continue. I want to respect her wishes, but do understand that defending my faith is important!

I will pray for guidance. I appreciate your insight on this. I understand both sides!
I wish you well in this regard. It certainly is not an easy position to be in.

I guess I should have stated that if confronted again, I will defend it. I have truly been torn about this. My mother in law doesnt want me to communicate with them. She said she has tried so many times and that the more she does, the more she gets bombarded with tapes, pamphlets, etc. So I guess my thinking was that I need to continue to pray, but confronting them wont help. She is worried that they will continue. I want to respect her wishes, but do understand that defending my faith is important!

I will pray for guidance. I appreciate your insight on this. I understand both sides!

I just started reading Patrick Madrid’s Search and Rescue. What a Spirit-filled book! I am inspired by it. It’s an easy read-but some amount of blessed work to live out. I know that heaven celebrates the return of a lost sheep, so it is definitely worth it.

The peace of Christ.
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