This is not a Catholic suggestion but pertains to everybody.
I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. David Burns’ original book “Feeling Good”. You should be able to find it in a used bookstore for a couple dollars. It is very practical and there is nothing “new age” about it, nor does it contain anything that goes against the Church, at least not in the edition I used back in the 1980s.
It contains a number of written exercises. I did an exercise every day for about a year , every time I was feeling bad I would just do an exercise and I ended up with a 3 inch thick binder of pages of my exercises. It changed my thinking and my life in a major, major way.
The other thing I do to this day is underline my name when I sign it. I heard this was another written exercise that a doctor recommended for people to become more assertive and build self-esteem. He would have people fill whole pages with their name and underline it each time. I didn’t go that far but when I sign a check or something I underline it. It really helped.
The third thing and more Catholic thing I remember is when a priest told me in the confessional, “God doesn’t make junk”.
I would feel better about that if it hadn’t been the last confession I went to for 18 years (long story and had nothing to do with the priest or with that particular confession) but I have never forgotten what he said. I don’t even know who the priest was, some guy they got in to help with the holiday confessions.