How Do I Persevere?

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How do I Persevere in this battle… I believe in Jesus but yet I fall like an idiot… I fall into sin so easily… Im so weak… I prayed everything and yet nothing works… I prayed the rosary for almost a week and yet I fall into sin… I pray and yet i sin… How Do I Listen to God and Follow him when i cant even have a relationship… I can’t stand my sins, its killing me but yet I sin. I listen to hymns everyday for almost 2 years now… My playlists is just Hymns, no secular nonsense at all. I have tried almost everything but nothing works. It’s like God wants me to fall in Hell. I don’t want to Despair but I feel like I was destined to fall. Why Is My life like this? Why is it so hard to follow God. Help me please
Do you have a spiritual advisor? A priest to whom you can speak?

And keep in mind there is no one amongst us who doesn’t sin.
Yes I have a spiritual director… But Its been like 3 weeks since I met him and gotten confession. I was supposed to meet him almost weekly because of my sins and struggles but because of this Covid, my place has been lockdown… He’s a priest btw and he knows my struggles in life. He’s trying to help but it aint working always. He says that these sins will go away after a certain age but I feel like I should stop sinning immediately… I sometimes hear God saying ‘what are you doing my son’ but when i search for answers… I just dont get any answer… I just can’t seem to hear him after praying
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I know… but Im tired of falling, its not about getting back up, its about sinning… I hate sinning and wants to completely stop my sins and Focus on God
A priest told me that repeated sins happen because God is showing us we can’t do it without him.

It’s important to just turn more to God and put yourself in his hands always.
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Thats the thing! How?

How do I follow Jesus? How?
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You need to just give it to God like a Twelve Stepper.
“God, I can’t do anything on my own. I give myself to you, I place it all in your hands.
Jesus, I trust in you. Help me.”

And then let him work in your life, be open to it.
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To me a daily rosary was really helpful. When I neglect it the cracks begin to start showing up. I highly reccommend a daily rosary, or another prayer to keep up give company.

The fact your putting in the effort also counts, don’t sell yourself off too quickly… keep pushing forward you’ll get there. If you fall get back up, we’ve all fallen many times (not me I mean, but I’ve heard most do).

Also it’s not just what you don’t do but what you DO imo. Are you keeping good friends, loving others, volunteering, becoming active in the community?
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How do I follow Jesus? How?
Trust in Him.
Like in the prayer: “Jesus, I trust in You”
Give him all sufferings you’ve got, surrender to Him all sin you have, but also all the good things that are in you. Every part of your life submit unto his will — in thoughts, in verbal prayer.

And as @Tis_Bearself said, never cease in getting up.
Our Father knows we are prodigal sons, there is no pretending before him. Even if you have to come back 1000 times does this makes your 1001 return to Him less sincere?
To me a daily rosary was really helpful. When I neglect it the cracks begin to start showing up.
Same. It was the Rosary that brought me really close to Him. Softened me up — on the outside (in relations with others) and inside (in relations with Him). Adoration of Lord’s Body in Holy Sacrament and a simple honest prayer can open a person for deeper this deeper, holier life with Him.
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I have both good and secular friends, I do love others( I think), Im not volunteering enough and not too active in Church stuffs. I’m just shy most of the times and say things like there’s others to do this and that… Im aware of these sins and yet I don’t change… That’s my dumb weakness
Thanks alot! Ill do it… A promise to you… Pray for me please and for the whole world as well!
I’m just shy most of the times
Don’t worry about shyness…
You don’t have to be outgoing and king-of-the-party to become a saint! If you trust your life to Lord, you can be sure that it will be well spent (even if it sometimes you’ll feel like everything went wrong).

By being in Christ’s arms, you will be in His power and even if you are the shyest man in the world, you will be able to achieve wonderful, sacred things with Him (look at St. Faustina, I reccomend her Diary). You also can be sinner and then become a saint (like St. Augustine, yup take a look also at his Confessions).
If you’re a Catholic then you know what Jesus Who is God, wants…

Focus on what you know He wants, trust the Holy Spirit to guide you, and don’t focus on sinfulness. And don’t forget Confession it’s awesome! :hugs: †
We are all sinners! If you had no sins you would not realize that we need a savior! Stop trying not to sin! Instead spent more time with Jesus. Praying or helping others! PM me and we can Discuss!
Resolve to pray the rosary every day…not just for a week. Every day, especially when you feel it’s hopeless. It might help to add some deliverance prayers to your prayer life. There are some that lay people can pray. I’ve experiences something similar to what you’re describing and I’ve realized that the problem is I was focusing on myself and not on God. Surrender and trust means to really surrender and trust. Give it all to God. Let Him figure out the details. Just pray, “Ok, Lord, if this is what you want me to go through, I trust You’ll give me the graces to handle it.” And those annoying despairing thoughts? Whenever you find yourself having one of those thoughts, pray, "I offer up this temptation for _____ (fill in the blank: the conversion of sinners, the end to abortion, the end to the pandemic…whatever). So if the enemy is throwing those thoughts at you to discourage you from perservering, you’ll be using them to accomplish a good. I’ve found they greatly diminish. And remember what St. Paul said, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” And add reading Scripture to your prayer life. God’s got this. God’s got you. Just keep going.
““be careful and never become discouraged…if God lets you fall into some weakness, it is not to abandon you, but only to establish in you humility and make you more careful in the future.”” St. Padre Pio

read more from the thoughts and lives of the saints. they have a wealth of wisdom we all need on our journeys. and their are numerous sites on the internet that open doors to our spiritual struggles. it’s a life time journey. there is also a litany of surrender that you can also find on the web.
and no you are not destined to fall. God’s love for you and all of us is beyond our comprehension. it’s the devil who wants you to fall. God may not seem near but He IS. and these times may be because He has great things in store for you. strongly suggest reading more about what some of the saints went through. and don’t forget the St. Michael prayer. ""Michael, Michael of the morning. Fresh cord of Heaven adorning, keep me safe today, and in time of temptation drive the devil away. amen. “” there’s another longer version that used to be said and in some parishes still is, after Mass. Last but not least…try to go to Mass more often and/or
If you fall so easily, there must be some behavior that is the cause. Replace bad habits with good habits. When bad thoughts knock, turn to prayer. The devil flees as if on fire when we pray.
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