How Do I Persevere?

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I hear you for sure. But let’s be honest we’re all works in progress. Remember the good thief? He knew his own faults and approached Jesus humbly… Jesus responded pretty favorably I’d say.

The fact that you can say what you say is a huge opportunity for growth. Honestly I get frustrated at some Christians sometimes. They walk around explaining to everyone else how they are wrong about everything (humility lol…again never ME…:roll_eyes:).

But that’s the whole point of a church, so we can all grow together and praise God. And remember “the church is a hospital for sinners, not a storehouse for saints”.

Dust off, hit the confessional, and do better tomorrow, we will all be trying to do better along with you.
Jesus tells Faustina that we fall so often because we rely on ourselves too much and not enough on him. I think that’s true. It’s not so much what you do it is how you do it. If you sin (which we all do) go to confession and humbly confess your sins (even if it was 3 days since your last sin and you feel embarrassed/humiliated - accepting humiliation goes a long way to growing in humility which humbles us before God and teaches us to submit to him). The more you humble yourself before God and submit to him, the closer you will grow to him and the less you will sin.

Another way to do this is mental prayer, begin practising meditation. Good catholic meditation, start with a few minutes a day. If you don’t know how, a YouTube tuition by Fr Nix started up a few months ago which guides you 3x a week, the channel is Padre Peregrino. Also you say you prayed the rosary for almost a week, why stop? It takes 3 weeks for a good habit (also known as virtue) to develop so you need to do it for at least that long for it to become a habit and then keep doing it daily. If you find it too difficult or dull then start out with just a decade or even half a decade and think about the mystery as you pray it or concentrate on the prayers - the idea is to fall in love with the rosary not to rattle off the prayers just to finish them. Oh and don’t forget to ask God for the grace of prayer, meditation and perseverance and everything else you need… even if you don’t know what you need. Remember how many times Jesus told us to ask for what we want! (and that he will give it).

Also go to mass as often as you can (or watch it online if you are unable to attend cos of covid or shielding and partake of spiritual communion at least daily if not more often) . God bless and don’t give up we are all in a spiritual battle remember, this is not meant to be easy.
How do I Persevere in this battle… I believe in Jesus but yet I fall like an idiot… I fall into sin so easily… Im so weak… I prayed everything and yet nothing works… I prayed the rosary for almost a week and yet I fall into sin… I pray and yet i sin… How Do I Listen to God and Follow him when i cant even have a relationship… I can’t stand my sins, its killing me but yet I sin. I listen to hymns everyday for almost 2 years now… My playlists is just Hymns, no secular nonsense at all. I have tried almost everything but nothing works. It’s like God wants me to fall in Hell. I don’t want to Despair but I feel like I was destined to fall. Why Is My life like this? Why is it so hard to follow God. Help me please
Is this an underlying assumption in your thoughts?:
you ought to be able to avoid the struggle, shame, and suffering of sin by force of will and by merits flowing from devotion.

Is that an assumption that you are making? The struggle against sin is life-long. Stop thinking that devotions are an inoculation against sin. They are not. We are devoted to God because God is worth of our devotion.

And our virtue is formed in a crucible by lifelong patient and faithful struggle. Here is your path to holiness:
My child, when you come to serve the Lord,
prepare yourself for trials.
2Be sincere of heart and steadfast,
and do not be impetuous in time of adversity.
3Cling to him, do not leave him,
that you may prosper in your last days.
4Accept whatever happens to you;
in periods of humiliation be patient.
5For in fire gold is tested,
and the chosen, in the crucible of humiliation.
If your struggle is lust, don’t despair. Prepare yourself for a long battle and stop thinking that devotions will avoid the battle and provide you a cure. I’m 60 years old and the struggle is still ongoing, although not as intense as it once was.
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Romans 8:1 Says “there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.”
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