How do I prove time exists?

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The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Noether’s Theorem demonstrate that the existence of time is entangled with the existence of energy, and likewise, space with momentum.
I wonder how one could prove time exists?
Time is a measurement of change; and we can prove that things change; just look in the mirror, the more time passes the more wrinkles you will have; eventually, after more time, your wrinkles will go away💀
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It’s late and I’m tired - Just look at your wrist watch. (said with a laugh)
Yes the definition of time is change, motion. If the universe ceases to expand as some scientists predict and it becomes a motionless sea of particles, time ceases to exist because there is no difference between one moment and the next.
Time is a real thing. Each of us only has so much of “time” that we will be alive. How we measure it is man made
Just wait long enough and someone will prove it for you. 😎
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The main formula that uses time is the middle school staple “Distance = Speed x Time”

Now in physics, the speed of light is constant in all frames of reference, but space (distance) is relative and so time becomes relative as well, which is a bit weird. Read the first couple of chapters of “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking
First you need to understand what the concept of time is…

Many said it here: it is a unit that we use to measure change in something else.
Time is created by God. When God created the universe, time was created. We have 24 hour days and 365 day years because that is how long it take the earth to make one revolution and one orbit around the sun, respectively.

God is a God of order. Time is a measurement of order. We see that Genesis, and in all of creation.
Well here is a follow-up question: If time is a byproduct of change/movement, what does that say about a God as an existential being who is connected to us. How is it possible to be connected to movement while simultaneously unchanging; its a logical incompatibility?
God is ‘outside’ of time. He is an eternal being, whereas we are everlasting souls. He always is, and we have a beginning but no end.
Pick any formula, any law of physics that includes time.
Velocity is the action of the speed of a moving object in a specific direction. Ie are you speeding in your vehicle. How fast is that racehorse running each furlong.

Velocity is a vector, speed and direction of movement. This needs time .

It measures the rate of change of its position within a reference frame. It’s a function of time.

For example three creatures are travelling along the same path. They all eat tasty green lettuce. The lettuce is growing in a big patch at the end of the path.

One is a snail. One is a kangaroo. One is a cockatoo.

One will creep, one will hop, one will fly.

The growth of the lettuce can also be measured as velocity, The lettuce starts as a seed buried . It germinates , grows upwards reaches the soil surface, keeps growing, unfolds its leaves.

Then you could measure the velocity of grandma Cardinal. She lovingly grew her lettuce, watches the roo hop the fence and head down into the lettuce patch. Out she races to head off the roo. .

You might then apply those laws of newton. What is in motion stays in motion until acted on by a force etc…granny Cardinal is a force to be reckoned with!

I am keeping this simple and without the physics scrabble talk.
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It’s interesting that time is so concrete a reality yet we can’t really grasp it by experiencing it. The only way I know time exists by experiencing it is that I know in this moment I exist.
We can measure the velocity of CAF threads. Speed, direction, time. 😎
You want to know how to prove time exists?

Yeah, maybe she is experiencing way more increments of smaller duration…that’s it…😌
Malachi 3:6 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
6 For I am the Lord, and I change not: and you the sons of Jacob are not consumed.

God doesn’t change. Time is a measure of change. Therefore, time does not apply to God.

EDIT: Upon rereading your question, I guess I didn’t really answer it. I once heard an analogy of how God creates/maintains. The analogy compares God creating the universe, but not just making it and leaving it like a builder makes a house. Instead, he maintains our existence actively. Sort of like how we do not just lift up an object and leave it there, floating in the air (unless you are on the International Space Station, I suppose), but rather—in order to have an object stay in the air and not fall down—we maintain it, holding it there. It is separate from us, but it relies on us to stay up in the air.
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