Great questions. I’m glad you came here with your questions. Here’s is some advice and my thoughts.
- Your parents may be wonderful people but to not care if their children go to mass is wrong. God, and the sacraments, mass, should be their #1 priority in life. I am only telling you this because even though they may have bred this belief that mass isn’t important into your head, it’s simply not true.
- Mass is important because it is your sacrifice for God. Never get into the idea that mass is for your entertainment. It is you giving for God.
- Mass has the eucharist. The body and blood of God. If you do not go to mass you are not receiving this.
- It is a commandment from God. I think this point says it all.
- What you should do in mass? Grab the book in your pew, turn to Sundays readings and read the reading for the day. Ponder and reflect on them. Listen to the Homily of your priest. Pray and receive communion. For one hour, there is much to do. And trust me, your not missing anything exciting at home. Trust me, it’s in your head.
- Community. Church can offer a sense of community but I admit not necessarily. Your about the age though for teenage youth groups which may offer after Mass activities. I hope you see and check them out.