How do I reconcile this doctrine with Aquinas?

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If you refuse to use the title Mother of God you are stating the Church is wrong and you are right.
I hope there will be correction coming if I say something about it
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I hope there will be correction coming if I say something about it
I don’t want you repeating what you have already said. The Church states as a teaching that Mary is called Mother of God. You seem to choke on this title despite the Church telling you that is what she is.
As for changing the wording of the Hail Mary that is frankly ludicrous and laughable.
As for changing the wording of the Hail Mary that is frankly ludicrous and laughable
Are we allowed to pray as we believe?

Or, according to you, it is compulsory for all of us to follow a certain format of prayers set by the church, even in private prayers?
Are we allowed to pray as we believe?

Or, according to you, it is compulsory for all of us to follow a certain format of prayers set by the church, even in private prayers?
Yes you are allowed to be the only person on the planet that changes the wording of the Hail Mary.
Your profile says you are Catholic and this isn’t the first thread you bring this up.There was another one prior with plenty of explanations and answers.I took the time to read it .
May I ask, what are you looking for in a Catholic forum disputing Mary Mother of God ?
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I pray that there will be many who understand will also remove the “mother of God” part from their Hail Mary.

Because we are allowed to say our own prayers, and it is not compulsory to follow a format of prayers, especially in our own private prayers
I hope you are the only one in the world that does it. The fact that you can do what you want with a private prayer doesn’t make it any the less ridiculous!
Your profile says you are Catholic and this isn’t the first thread you bring this up.There was another one prior with plenty of explanations and answers.I took the time to read it .
May I ask, what are you looking for in a Catholic forum disputing Mary Mother of God ?
I have been in this forum much longer than you know, eventhough my chapter3 is new.

I want churches be united as one, eventhough it is broken in diversity. I think the attempt to get everyone uniform is against the nature of our belief which, is continous search for God.

There is difference between allowing error & allowing diversity.

The church attempt to get all follow uniform format was started by Constantine, who used religion for political purpose. Before that, from Moses to the Prophets to Jesus to the Apostles, they were full of diversity.

Another point: just because something is uniform, it does not.guaranteed free of errors.

If you silence opinions, that in itself is an error (in the continuous search for God).

In the past, the church had no choice but to bow down to aristocrats. Now we have freedom of speech. We even promote freedom of religion.

Are we not free to talk what we think is right in our own prayers?
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What do opinions and freedom of speech have to do with Doctrine?
Francisca, it is fine that you “want” to whatever. What is not ok is to post as a Catholic or under the guise of Catholicism what it isn’t.
It is misleading.
I am going to flag this thread for moderation.
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The Gen3:15 translation error was there in Latin Bible quite a long time. I suppose that error contributed to how Mary tradition evolved in Latin church
So you are saying the CCC and all other Church documents where the Church (not some lay person who thinks they know better than the Church) uses and teaches that Mary is and should be called Mother of God are wrong!!!
The Council of Ephesus knew that Jesus did not get His Divinity from Mary. So, doctrinally they were accurate.

The Council did not meant to self contradict. What they wanted to do was giving Mary the title of Theotokos, but imprecisely translate it to “mother of God” which means “mother of the divine” to Mary.

And yes, the wrong translation self-contradict the Council, and is misleading to those who read it.

And because the imprecise translation was there for a long long time nobody dare to correct it (because there was no freedom of speech in the past), then it continues until today.

CCC shall be corrected to following translation correction
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The Council of Ephesus knew that Jesus did not get His Divinity from Mary. So, doctrinally they were accurate.

The Council did not meant to self contradict. What they wanted to do was giving Mary the title of Theotokos, but imprecisely translate it to “mother of God” which means “mother of the divine” to Mary.

And yes, the wrong translation self-contradict the Council, and is misleading to those who read it.
It is confusing what you are now trying to say.
It is Church doctrine that Mary is truly the Mother of God. Are you saying you agree with this Church doctrine or not. It’s not clear to me.
It is confusing what you are now trying to say.
It is Church doctrine that Mary is truly the Mother of God. Are you saying you agree with this Church doctrine or not. It’s not clear to me.
More accurately Theotokos means “The God bearer” not “The Mother of God”
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The correct title meant by the Council for Mary was “The Theotokos”, which translate “The God Bearer”.
The correct title meant by the Council for Mary was “The Theotokos”, which translate “The God Bearer”.
That is not an answer to my question.

Are you saying the Church is wrong to say in the CCC and other documents that Mary is truly the Mother of God.
A simple yes or no will suffice.
I do not know how many times I need to repeat over and over again: it is a wrong translation
Actually I am very surprised at how lax most of us when it is about searching for what’s right. We can live in total doctrinal contradiction as long as it is uniformly agreed

Does it matter if “mother of God” means “mother of the Divine”? Even if The Council of Ephesus themselves condemned it. It does not matter whether it is a solid doctrine or a wrong doctrine, as long as everybody bow to that error, then I should just follow to that same wrong as everybody else does.

No, I am sure our church tradition has corrected many errors in the past. Now we have freedom of speech. We can do this better than the past, can we?