Thank you all for your helpful replies. I’ve been told the medicine will pass through the breastmilk, but the effect it will have on the girls is unknown and so in order to proceed with caution, I have to definitely wean.
Last night was extremely difficult. I nursed them in the evening but decided I would attempt to not night nurse. I do have frozen breastmilk that I’ve previously pumped and stored, but I wanted to see if taking a bottle of water or Gerber juice would go over well.
It did not go over well. Both of them were confused and emotional by the second time they woke up, expecting to nurse. (There have been times previously that they received a bottle during a night feeding, but it was always breastmilk and never water or juice.) One of my angels could not go back to sleep and it was almost breaking my heart but, knowing that I need to get on this medication as soon as possible and once I start, I will not be able to give in–I did not give in. For awhile.
Finally I gave them a bottle of breastmilk each and this helped quiet them down, but both of them both kept searching for my breast in their sleep, whimpering while doing so. (We co-sleep. Their father and I are divorced and annulled.)
Today my breasts were ACHING and the girls were so despondent that I let them nurse this morning. During the day I needed to work (from home) so they spent most of their time with the nanny. Part of me thought this was the wrong thing to do, as they needed their time with me, but being around me just made them want to nurse. I spent the afternoon and evening with them, eating dinner (yes they are definitely on lots of solids and enjoy them!), bathtime and playing. They seemed slightly cheered. I just put them to bed after their bath, though, and one of my girls had a full-out tantrum over not being able to nurse. I just held her and shushed her and rocked her and offered her a pacifier or bottle. She looked at me, with a tear-stained face, as if I had lost my mind, seriously. Finally the nanny (who lives with us) took my angel and was able to console her.
I feel like the worst mother ever. There has never been a time where I was unable to console my baby over the nanny! I know my nanny adores my girls and I know my girls adore the nanny, but the fact that they so desperately want to be nursing and clearly feel that I have taken something so special away from them is breaking my heart.
I spoke to both my doctor and my OB today and neither were helpful. My doctor just said, “Put your emotions aside and realize this medicine is very necessary. You need to be on it asap!” My OB just said, “Well I know you believe that nursing for an extended amount of time is really necessary, but the girls are 11 months old and they don’t nutritionally need to be nursing any longer, so try to comfort them as best you can.”
Thank you especially to whomever suggested the cabbage–I will try that tomorrow. I have been expressing the milk to relieve pressure, but trying to do much less than what they normally consume. I can’t believe it’s only been one day.
I hope this doesn’t sound dramatic. I know some of you suggested they wouldn’t be overly attached, but my girls were/are extremely attached to it. As am I. I am already dreading tonight a little bit. I’m scared I’m ruining the emotional bond I have with my angels. I can’t believe how traumatized they are.