1 Peter 1:18 - Peter says you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your “fathers.”1 Pet 1:18-19
1 Peter 1:18 - Peter says you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your “fathers.”1 Pet 1:18-19
Can you show me the Jesus Prayer in the Bible? I only see the “Our Father”.One is saved only by the acceptance of our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.
The point being, that no matter what we believe, we are going to have to make a leap of faith somewhere along the line, even if it is simply to believe an historian.“Do not be scared by the word authority. Believing things on authority only means believing them because you have been told them by someone you think trustworthy. Ninety-nine per cent of the things you believe are believed on authority. I believe there is such a place as New York. I have not seen it myself. I could not prove by abstract reasoning that there must be such a place. I believe it because reliable people have told me so. The ordinary man believes in the Solar System, atoms, evolution, and the circulation of the blood on authority - because the scientists say so. Every historical statement in the world is believed on authority. None of us has seen the Norman Conquest or the defeat of the Armada. None of us could prove them by pure logic as you prove a thing in mathematics. We believe them simply because people who did see them have left writings that tell us about them: in fact, on authority. A man who jibbed at authority in other things as some people do in religion would have to be content to know nothing all his life.” - C.S. Lewis
The person has a false respect for history and only allows as much as it is necessary for him to make his point. Saying you rely on history is not the same as actually relying on history.Please remember that my post in #30 is not my opinion, rather it’s an opinion of a Protestant on another board about this exact same topic. Again, I’m interested to hear how some might respond to this. I will not “take that answer to the other board” though, of course.
Briefly I say in response that this person (who said what I posted in #30) clearly has a respect for Church history, yet for some reason stops short at respecting history when it claims that the Catholic Church is the one that can trace its roots back to Jesus. I don’t know why this person would choose such an apparently schitzophrenic approach to history.
But, what do you all think?
Luke 18:13Can you show me the Jesus Prayer in the Bible? I only see the “Our Father”.
Was Luther sucessful in this?Martin Luther wanted to disregard James and Revelation from Canon.
Interesting how he can arbitrarily make that decision.
singerlady said:Luke 18:13
OK, lets keep our eyes peeled for the difference between “believing the ultimate authority of Scripture” and “discovering what Scripture is”. It is a false dichotomy he has identified. Catholics have no problem recognizing the two as separate. They are separate but have as their origin the same Source.To give a surface level answer to your criticism, let me start with the differentiation between believing the ultimate authority of Scripture and discovering what Scripture is. This is important to grasp because often times, the criticism against Sola Scriptura and the Canon are mixed although in reality they are separate. Let me illustrate.
First problem in the analysis: although we don’t doubt that the writings inspire by “the expert” are the ultimate teaching we still don’t which ones actually written by “the expert”. Not only that, we have no idea whether 1, 5, 10 , 50 or 500 books were written by “the expert”. His hypothetical 10 books is totally incompatible with the reality of the challenges that faced the early Church.A man who is THE EXPERT on quantum physics wrote 10 books about quantum physics for a period of time suddenly dies. As time goes by, some of his students claim that he wrote 11 books. Some say he just wrote 8 books.So there is confusion on what book he wrote so that they will know exactly what and how they should believe about quantum physics as taught by the man. Question. Is there a question that the books written by the man contains the most authoritative teaching regarding quantum physics? No. Everyone knows that what the man wrote is their supreme authority on quantum physics because it was written by their teacher himself.
No, I dont - I see illogical reasoning and lack of recognition of the very heart of the issue.You see the difference of principle of Sola Scriptura and how we recognize Scripture?
Oh really? And where and when, exactly, did this “principle” come from? Remember, we have come to this “principle” APART from Scripture. That is a violation of sola scriptura no matter how you dress it up.Sola Scriptura is the principle that say: If we ever find the Scripture then it will define our entire faith.
How exactly did we decide to pledge allegiance to Scripture ALONE prior to determining what Scripture is? This is complete nonsense.It will be the rule upon which we subject our conscience. It is our boundary upon which we must learn and unlearn. It is the measure upon which our practices must be measured. Simply because it is Scripture (the inspired Word of God). While on the other hand after pledging allegiance to Scripture
Studying history and how we got the canon is not a violation at all of Sola Scriptura! In fact, it is the reinforcement of that commitment and principle. Studying and recovering the canon is not at all contradictory to Sola Scriptura. In fact, it is the result of Sola Scriptura.we then ask ourselves: How then should we recognize Scripture? And we go through the process of study of history.
Well this is a start: he acknowledges that he doesnt actually know that what he calls the Bible is actually Scripture. We knew that from the start, and that is the product of his theology:Sola Scriptura! And we are supposed to buy into this???The question perhaps that you will raise is that: So how sure are you that you’ve got the canon? The fact is our knowledge of the canon is fallible.
to fully evidence our knowledge of the canon based on facts not based on our assumed authority and conferring to ourselves infallibility./QUOTE]As a matter of fact, it is the very concept of Sola Scriptura that drives us
But friend, I hope you notice the flaw of your argument. Please consider and ask yourself: How sure am I that my magisterium is infallible in recognizing the canon?You might say to us: There’s your weakness! You don’t have an infallible knowledge of Scripture. Ours is better because there is someone who tells us what is Scripture! We have our magisterium!
I dont see it - I hear you claiming it without support.You see, your system is no better than ours. In fact, your system is more deficient!
Still waiting for validation of Sola Scriptura and this wont do. I never said I had infallible knowledge of the magisterium’s infallibility - it is a belief which is supported by faith, reason, Scripture, tradition and history. Sola Scriptura remains unreasonable, unScriptural, untraditional and ahistorical.Consider this, you can only be sure of having an infallible magisterium if you yourself is infallible.
because you believe they are infallible.The fact is that, in your system you accept whatever your infallible guide tells you …simply
And he ends with more questions. What happened to justifying the validity of Sola Scriptura through “the differentiation between believing the ultimate authority of Scripture and discovering what Scripture is.” That was supposed to be “important to grasp because often times, the criticism against Sola Scriptura and the Canon are mixed although in reality they are separate.” He never arrived at valid reason for the premise that Scripture apart from the Church is the final authority in matters of faith and morals, which is the heart of Sola Scriptura - decent try though.But then, ask yourself: Are they really infallible? How do I know this infallibly?
This sentence of yours is correct. So, knowing that God is not the author of confusion, we can conclude that He is not the author of Sola Scriptura Protestantism (which is also known as confusion).God is not the author of confusion.