I’m about 22 years old, single, and don’t have any girlfriend or anything, and I wonder how guys can remain chaste at this age. When I say chaste I mean living a sexually pure life–no masturbation, no sex outside of marriage, no lustful thoughts after anyone except a marriage partner, etc.
I mean, whenever I’m out in public, I feel like I’m burning on fire whenever I see girls about my age. And then whenever I see movies with my friends, it usually has some really hot girl, and even if she is not nude, it still excites me. I go running to try to get the excitement away from my mind, but that’s only temporary, and I can’t run at 11 p.m. at night!
Worst of all, I have more mojo than most guys my age, methinks
Can anybody please help me with advice? I oftentimes feel like the Catholic teachings on sexual attraction and so forth are masochistic, or at least overly-ascetic. They certainly make you go crazy trying not to think of girls, which comes naturally. What do you think?
I’m about 22 years old, single, and don’t have any girlfriend or anything, and I wonder how guys can remain chaste at this age. When I say chaste I mean living a sexually pure life–no masturbation, no sex outside of marriage, no lustful thoughts after anyone except a marriage partner, etc.
I mean, whenever I’m out in public, I feel like I’m burning on fire whenever I see girls about my age. And then whenever I see movies with my friends, it usually has some really hot girl, and even if she is not nude, it still excites me. I go running to try to get the excitement away from my mind, but that’s only temporary, and I can’t run at 11 p.m. at night!
Worst of all, I have more mojo than most guys my age, methinks
Can anybody please help me with advice? I oftentimes feel like the Catholic teachings on sexual attraction and so forth are masochistic, or at least overly-ascetic. They certainly make you go crazy trying not to think of girls, which comes naturally. What do you think?