How do We "Get" or "Arrive" at Economic Justice?

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Conservatives tout personal responsability.

Liberals tout taxpayer (government) responsability.

As a conservative, I see that personal choices made are the beginning and the end of one’s successes and failures.

As a conservative, I also believe I have a moral obligation to be charitable to those less fortunate, giving of my own free will, out of my own pocket.

As a conservative I am not against the use of tax dollars for helping the poor or afflicted…as long as there are strings attached.

What do you think???
Helping the poor and afflicted is the Church’s job. The government should get out of the business completely. Every time the government gets involved there are complications because the motives are not driven by the needs of the poor but by the needs of the employees of the state.

A lot of this “state fix-it” mentality comes from the idea that the state can be immoral. This is false. Human beings are immoral. Immorality causes violence and neglect. It is a problem initiated at the human level and it needs to be solved at the human level.
jlw and Brad I am on the same page with you. I’ve been very fortunate to have the opportunity to get an education, good health and a relatively stable life. Since these were all gifts so to speak (yeah I worked hard but God gave me a brain and strong constitution) I do feel responsible for those who encounter problems that are beyond their control. So I support a number of charities with funds as well as time. I think the important issue is equality of OPPORTUNITY rather than trying to achieve equality of RESULTS.

I think that has been the Achilles heel of the liberal approach. They believe that with proper social engineering they can make outcomes equal. It’s impossible and we’ve spent billions in tax dollars demonstrating just that. Certainly any parent or any teacher can attest that you can take a group of children and give them basically the same situation. Some will do well, others will not. No amount of social engineering will create clones. There are those who cannot help themselves. But there are also people who are never asked or required to help themselves. That is the problem IMO.

I truly don’t know the solution for the latter group. As Christians we can’t let them starve in the streets (and they don’t in this country). But it is frustrating to see money spent on those who could improve their situation but simply will not…trust me I have some family members in that category so I’ve seen it first hand…while people who are in situations beyond their control are struggling day by day.

Lisa N
katherine2?? Space ghost?? Matt25?? Norwich?? sbcoral?? Mc6yver?? Dare I ask…Peacemonger??
Lisa N:
jlw and Brad I am on the same page with you. I’ve been very fortunate to have the opportunity to get an education, good health and a relatively stable life. Since these were all gifts so to speak (yeah I worked hard but God gave me a brain and strong constitution) I do feel responsible for those who encounter problems that are beyond their control. So I support a number of charities with funds as well as time. I think the important issue is equality of OPPORTUNITY rather than trying to achieve equality of RESULTS.

I think that has been the Achilles heel of the liberal approach. They believe that with proper social engineering they can make outcomes equal. It’s impossible and we’ve spent billions in tax dollars demonstrating just that. Certainly any parent or any teacher can attest that you can take a group of children and give them basically the same situation. Some will do well, others will not. No amount of social engineering will create clones. There are those who cannot help themselves. But there are also people who are never asked or required to help themselves. That is the problem IMO.

I truly don’t know the solution for the latter group. As Christians we can’t let them starve in the streets (and they don’t in this country). But it is frustrating to see money spent on those who could improve their situation but simply will not…trust me I have some family members in that category so I’ve seen it first hand…while people who are in situations beyond their control are struggling day by day.

Lisa N
I would like to add to that,that the structure of welfare is set up as a catch twenty two, if you need help and you get welfare as soon as you get money even a little they will cut all the benifits including health insurance for the kids,which creates a caged rat mentallity for someone who is not qualified for a higher paying job.The current system does not help in those cases it creates a defeated mentality or even people making money under the table to keep benefits.Some people get into situations where they truly need it,but I have seen people with food stamp cards driving a new cadillac:confused: It makes you wonder.God Bless
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