In most protestant circles we say that God is good because we have defined him as omnibenevolent. In other words he is the standard for what is good or moral. The problem is that God does things we would not consider the most good, and he does not do things that we would consider moral. An example of the former is that he did not give the Jews laws that were the most moral, but only more moral then what they were doing like divorce, slavery. An example of the latter is where if we had the ability to save a persons life from starvation and we did we would be morally good but God does not. So my question is how do we come to the conclusion that God is maximally good?
If you say that the church says he is do not expect a response from me. Also if you say something about slavery being moral don’t expect a response from me.
Moses gave the freed Jews laws on divorce and slavery based on what those people could handle at that time. Jesus said because of the “hardness of their heart” in the You Have Heard it Said part of Mathew 5 where Jesus is now going to give instruction on how God meant the laws to be from the beginning. Hardness of heart just means that since people refuse to accept God’s perfect will, He allows them to go ahead and do it their way. As if He were saying: So that’s how you want it?, Okay… But, of course, a modified law is not a perfect law and Jesus did correct this after the Sermon on the Mount.
As far as God not saving everyone, from your example of hunger, for instance - He made us to function autonimously. This is why some happenings are called “miracles”. Because God is interfering with the natural state and causing something unnatural to happen. For instance, a healing, the calming of the waters, etc. We can’t have a miracle every moment of the day because it would turn our lives into a play in which God is the director.
We are, however, to be God’s hands and feet. In our autonomy, we are to seek Him and His will, but autonomous we are. We can accept the Holy Spirit, but He will not force Himself on us.
So hu324b is correct. We know God is good because He revealed Himself in Jesus. Even when God got mad in the O.T. He was good, because His anger was a just anger.
Could you imagine what the world would be like if God wasn’t good? I shutter to think.
And since the essence of God is Love as both Peter26 and John said in his gospel and letters, and God is perfect, and so He is Perfect Love - then He must be good since love is good.
p.s. There are only 3 omnis: Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.