How do you choose to fight abortion?

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I will keep this short as I tend to get long winded…

I am on another board for natural living type mama’s and a thread popped up which turned into a massive, long abortion debate. This was my first public attempt to stand up for the pro-life side (ok, so I hid behind my computer) by actually stating my opinion in a forum that is stereotypically pro-abortion. To keep a long story short, I was called a few things, I was accused that my children would grow up to fear me because I’m teaching them to be pro-life, I got accused of calling pro-choicers murderers (I never did… I just called a spade a spade by stating abortion was murder- they’re the ones that drew the connection), etc, etc, ad nauseum. Needless to say, I kept my posts charitable, even gave them some resources to back up the facts I gave, linked them to priests for life and rachel vineyard information.

As much as I needed prayer to keep me calm from wanting to strangle some of these people for the stupidity they were spouting at me, how do YOU fight abortion? I am a fighter by nature (that’s the Irish in me) but I’m also not sure if I have the courage just yet to fight on the front lines. I’d like to know how others that are on the front lines have gotten started, how they deal with abuse from pro-abortionists, etc.

I have a good start with the priest here being active with Rachel Vineyard retreats so I might just start there. I’d love to hear your stories though!!
Sometimes you need to rally support for a good fight.

Why don’t you share the name of the other board & maybe those CAF members who are so inclined will join in the discussion there? (Or is that not cool to do in cyber space–this is the only board I post on, so I’m not savvy on etiquette. :confused: But then, what the heck?! We’re talking about innocent lives, here! :mad: )
I can’t say I’m one of those brave souls in front of the mills, but I feel I do my part, or as much as I can right now. Hopefully time will allow me and my family to do more! 😉

We give money to PFL and Operation Rescue, we marched in last year’s Walk for Life in San Francisco, but mainly the biggest thing I’ve done yet is just check people’s belief in abortion and of the Culture of Death by passing comment. By checking these forums and such I learn so much in the way of combating the arguments for abortion, and just dialog when the opportunity rises. Not in any uncharitable way, but trying to remain in civil dialog as I’m fully convinced 90% of people really have no idea what the abortion culture is.

As for combating the “Culture of Death” I find the most “fertile” ground for fighting that pervasive attitude is with other Christians, especially non-Catholics! Most of these people I know would claim to be pro-life (At least anti-abortion) but then also support assisted suicide, contraception, or have attitudes that are just anti-life even if they don’t know it, like “I wouldn’t want to live that way”, or talk about too many children, that kind of thing.

I don’t think you’ll get ANYONE on the pro-choice side to read one of your arguments, however good it is, and decide right there to change their mind. You may get discouraged if you forget that, BUT you may be planting seeds of doubt that will sprout later, so persevere!! Good luck!!! 👍
It’s I knew the risk of being on that site because it’s basically a hippy-ish discussion board. I’ve met some really nice people there so I’m not apt to quit going there because of the long thread I got involved in.

The thread has been going on for over a week now and it’s up to over 170 posts. For the first four days, I believe I was the only pro-lifer making posts and defending my stance. And believe it or not, I might have started it really bad when I initially posted “What a shame it is for a mother to kill her own child so she may live as she pleases.” So when that post got attacked, I got into the middle of it. I didn’t attack anyone but the information I provided did get attacked.

I have to admit that now that it’s dying down a bit, some posts have actually been supportive of what I’ve said. But the whole exchange has left me with mixed feelings. I feel I let some of them get the best of me by their personal attacks but I also feel that just with some of my information, I might have helped at least one person. It’s also left me with the feeling, more calling, of wanting to do more for the pro-life movement. I seriously don’t have the courage to get on the front lines of the clinics to protest as I’d probably get into a physical altercation with the first person to spit on me (and that never solves anything… it’d probably make me feel good for that time being 😛 … then I’d have to go to Confession)

Right now I’m in the middle of PMing a woman that asked me some honest questions and told me that she is asking me because she feels I’ll engage her in an intelligent discussion… so I must have gotten her attention.

I’d love to hear more suggestions and stories of how ya’ll got started so please, keep them coming! And thanks for the prayers… I’ll need them.
I don’t feel like I do nearly enough.
I donate to several pro-life org. mainly
I have staffed the pro-life booth at our county fair
and I’ve marched at our state capital on Jan 22
and attended a NRLC convention once…
I have written a letter to the editor of our local paper to counter a pro-abortion letter once. ( the letter was so outrageous I felt I had to respond).
I have several pro-abortion friends and relatives so they know where I stand, when the subject comes up.
I call legislators often regarding anti-life legislation. I also am involved with the flower sale to raise money for a pro-life group. I am trying to get my pastor to be more vocal about life issues.

I sidewalk counsel outside an abortion mill once a week. It is getting more difficult as the weather turns cold. The abortionists opens his mill an hour ealier now in an effort to avoid us. It is really difficult to get there at seven AM.
I just try to remind anyone who will listen that science says an embryo, from the moment of conception is a distinct organism, a human being, not a clump of cells, not a fertilized egg, not a pre-embryo, not a potential human being: a real human being identifiable by his or her DNA from conception onward. Often people appreciate being able to leave the euphemisms behind and call a fetus what they know it is: a baby! I also like to point out that thanks to Roe vs. Wade (which America never voted on) cloning and research on embryos is legal in most states in the U.S. and that researchers use the eggs and other tissues from aborted fetuses for their research. That really gets them thinking.

Rebecca Taylor
A Catholic’s Guide to Genetics, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
I will keep this short as I tend to get long winded…

I am on another board for natural living type mama’s and a thread popped up which turned into a massive, long abortion debate. This was my first public attempt to stand up for the pro-life side (ok, so I hid behind my computer) by actually stating my opinion in a forum that is stereotypically pro-abortion. To keep a long story short, I was called a few things, I was accused that my children would grow up to fear me because I’m teaching them to be pro-life, I got accused of calling pro-choicers murderers (I never did… I just called a spade a spade by stating abortion was murder- they’re the ones that drew the connection), etc, etc, ad nauseum. Needless to say, I kept my posts charitable, even gave them some resources to back up the facts I gave, linked them to priests for life and rachel vineyard information.

As much as I needed prayer to keep me calm from wanting to strangle some of these people for the stupidity they were spouting at me, how do YOU fight abortion? I am a fighter by nature (that’s the Irish in me) but I’m also not sure if I have the courage just yet to fight on the front lines. I’d like to know how others that are on the front lines have gotten started, how they deal with abuse from pro-abortionists, etc.

I have a good start with the priest here being active with Rachel Vineyard retreats so I might just start there. I’d love to hear your stories though!!
I sidewalk counseled outside Planned Parenthood for 3 years before moving to where I now live. It’s tough.

Let me suggest a book for you, that may help you as you form apologetic debates with pro-abortion individuals:

Pro-Life Answer to Pro-Choice Questions by Randy Alcorn. It’s an excellent book.
I teach my children the value of chastity.

No customers, no clinic.

I teach my children the value of chastity.

No customers, no clinic.

Yes, that’s one of the most important things we can do.
This is why Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion and liberal groups fight tooth and nail against any abstinence programs and have always wanted their “safe sex” and sex-ed programs taught in the schools, starting in pre-K if possible. That will guarantee a steady customer base for them…
I’m not ashamed to share my views with others, and most importantly, I pray.
Yes, that’s one of the most important things we can do.
This is why Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion and liberal groups fight tooth and nail against any abstinence programs and have always wanted their “safe sex” and sex-ed programs taught in the schools, starting in pre-K if possible. That will guarantee a steady customer base for them…
This is also why I homeschool here in CA. One of the commercials I’ve seen is a young man running through the streets, looking over his shoulder and the commentary is statistics of how children that don’t go to pre-K programs starting at age three end up in jail or never finish highschool, etc, etc. It’s CA’s way of getting to the kids before the parents’ “moral agenda” is permantently molded in the child’s mind. I can’t help but draw the parallel to Hitler Youth in that regard. It’s brainwashing our children to a liberal ideal.

Thanks so much for all of your responses! I will get that book by R. Alcorn and check it out. I always have to pray about pro-abortionists and my responses to them simply because I am always inclined to want to tell them they fell off the stupid truck. (I know, not Christian like, but I’m human) 🙂
they fell off the stupid truck. (I know, not Christian like, but I’m human) 🙂
Hey, Christ called them fools and vipers – I think your comment is relatively tame by those standards.

IOW, may I use that line? 😃

You are off to a great start. Keep the threads clean and well-reasoned. Remember that only the Holy Spirit can change hearts; good dialogue that gets people thinking opens the door for Him to enter. If you get attacked, it is because people on the pro-abortion side resent the teachings of Christ, not you personally.

Keep up the great work!!
Hey, Christ called them fools and vipers – I think your comment is relatively tame by those standards.

IOW, may I use that line? 😃

by all means! you can even tell them how they fell off the stupid truck… they got hit with the stupid stick. Sorry… couldn’t pass that one up. 😛

Alan, your screen name has Wichita in it… I’m sure this is a rhetorical question, but are you familiar with “Tiller the Killer?” I’m familiar with Operation Rescue’s involvement to fight him, but wondering if there is anyone on this site that does too, especially if they are geographically close to his area.
by all means! you can even tell them how they fell off the stupid truck… they got hit with the stupid stick. Sorry… couldn’t pass that one up. 😛

Alan, your screen name has Wichita in it… I’m sure this is a rhetorical question, but are you familiar with “Tiller the Killer?” I’m familiar with Operation Rescue’s involvement to fight him, but wondering if there is anyone on this site that does too, especially if they are geographically close to his area.

Tiller the Killer operates on East Kellogg, about 2-3 miles from my house. I’ve known quite a number of people who go there and protest or pray or counsel etc., and even the high school kids get into it. For those who haven’t heard of them, George Tiller is an abortionist in Wichita who brings in customers from all over the country to get done what couldn’t be done there – he does elective late term abortion.

It is interesting that when the Republicans lead overhwhelmingly in the legislature, and as governor until a couple years ago, we have this problem with late term abortion law – part of it is actually a backfire of what the conservatives actually insisted on doing. (One reason I do not always follow the same tactics as many pro-lifers – having been elected a conservative Republican precinct person I got to see the effects of various stances and hard-line zero compromise has left us with – George.)

Of course Tiller knows how to line the pockets of the appropriate politicians, so one must keep that in mind as well. A coworker at a job about 15 years ago said he did a lot of sidewalk counseling, but he would also see Tiller and exclaim loudly, “hey George – great to see you today! How many babies did you have to kill today to pay for all those steaks?” It sounded like great fun, but I wasn’t up to it for sure. This same guy used to talk to Tiller’s pastor and said Tiller’s pastor was very tight lipped about allowing Tiller in. I forgot what church it was.

So now here with Park City and BTK killer a few miles north of here (he stalked my SIL for a while but didn’t attack) and Tiller the Killer, it sounds like Nightmare on Elm Street or something around here. 😛 Add that to the state school board’s collective intelligence of nearly zip and their evolution debates, and it is kind of interesting to live here after all!

edit: one other thing I forgot to mention — last I heard he was training his sons to carry on his work. 😦
For those of you who can, I recommend peaceful prayer in front of a mill (as close as you can). Do not form the gauntlet line for women to walk past, but form prayer circles. The line gives an appearance of us against the woman and she will see us more as enemies than compassionate people who care for her and her unborn child. Leave counseling to those who are trained because saying the wrong thing only encourages them to get an abortion. Abortion mill owners says it helps when protesters yell and atagonize women calling them sinners. Let us be the voice of compassion and mercy. The abortionists most likely will not be the same because it is a mill and they treat people like an assembly line. Even if the girls go in, witnessing Christ in us can lead them to mercy later on and work for us as so many women hurt by abortion already have. Try to get a prolife ministry going at your parish and get youth from high schools and universities involved. See if it can count for community service requirements at a catholic school. Get big crowds and go out with a priest to lead prayer. Fast from meat on fridays and offer it up for the women, uborn babies, and abortionists and supporters. Also, mere presence can cut a mills blood money by 30% in some cases and large crowds force them to hire help and security, wasting money 😃 . Good luck fellow prolifers. How beautiful to fight for what women reallyy want and their unborn children, fighting the Herod’s of this age (dragon in revelations) which have taken away 1/3 of our friends.
Haeckel and Buchner and a Darwinian, atheistic a-moral climate

1979 Schaeffer & Koop on the a-moral implications of atheism and moral implications of theism

Reality vs. worldview philosophy of materialism/ atheism
On the Origin of Life
Critique of Roe v. Wade

Further to my prior post:

Taking a firm, godless stand for death

A person’s views of the nature/ attributes of ‘God’ has enormous implications for how that person acts.
The atheism-adherents Adolf Hitler, Ernst Haeckel, James D. Watson, Francis Crick, Steven Pinker, and Peter Singer have recognized the implications of a theistic-God-less universe:
all is permissible (including infanticide).
IOW, there’s nothing really ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ or ‘sinful’ about any action a human might take:

1916/ 1922 Nordau; infanticide, slavery, and genocide

convert to secular humanism to enjoy guiltless sexual activity of many varieties

1979 Futuyma on “the positive implications of Darwinism”

1997 Edward O. Wilson: “scientific materialism explains vastly more of the tangible world… Its discoveries suggest that, like it or not, we are alone. We must measure and judge ourselves, and we will decide our own destiny.”

the atheism-adherent Hitler’s actions are quite understandable

Reality vs. worldview philosophy of materialism/ atheism
On the Origin of Life
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