How do you choose to fight abortion?

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I ask the person, What part of an abortion does God look down upon and smile?
davidford… thank you abundantly for giving me reading material for the next few hours! I really appreciate it! Especially the time it must have taken for you to link all those.

I have felt called the past few weeks to speak out more and I’m learning that even some close friends and family are brutal. They don’t want me to speak up or speak out… and I’m afraid that is where the problem lies… the liberal free thinking aspect of society has gotten some of us so fearful of not being politically correct, they are running standards and personal accountability down the tubes.

Thank you to all of you that posted… I really appreciate getting more ideas on how we can fight this horribleness that has permeated society.
I did what I saw recommended on Fr. Pavone’s prolife show once, where a guest said to get on the local central committee (Republican in my case) and volunteer a lot, get embedded in the system. That was a year ago and it’s been very educational. The issue is so radioactive that the party people rarely talk about it…I made some assumptions about who in the party was prolife and pro-abort, as a game, depending on how they skirted the issue. Much to my surprise, I saw all my suspected pro-aborts at a big banquet supporting our local crisis pregnancy center. That was heartening.

I have learned how grateful the state legislators are to not have to deal with the Big A, thanks to Roe and Casey. I hope someday that situation will change. Let the fireworks begin!

There may also be issues if Giuliani is nominated in 2008. We’ll see.
I am on another board for natural living type mama’s and a thread popped up which turned into a massive, long abortion debate.
How can a “natural living type” mama be all for killing a baby in the womb?!?! These are the same that are against vaccinations (some vaccinations I find questionable myself though), wouldn’t dream of using a disposable diaper, but yeah, go ahead and *kill * your baby, as long as you do it before it sees the light of day! :mad:

I used to print out little stickers of a cute baby’s face with “Choose Life” or some other message printed on them, and stick them on all the bills and other correspondence.
Dear all,

How do I choose to fight abortion?

I tend to go through reason. With most people it doesn’t take long for them to figure out just how unjust it is. Still there are those who, when faced with reality and the conclusions of logic, reject either reason itself, or the dignity of human life! I don’t know how to speak with these people. Their hearts seem so hard that I can’t imagine a sentimental or a spiritual approach working either.

For most people though, just appealing to medical evidence should be enough to convince them that abortion is wrong (morally unsound) . That has been my experience.

God bless,

How can a “natural living type” mama be all for killing a baby in the womb?!?! These are the same that are against vaccinations (some vaccinations I find questionable myself though), wouldn’t dream of using a disposable diaper, but yeah, go ahead and *kill * your baby, as long as you do it before it sees the light of day! :mad:
The thread died recently… and you know how it died? I stopped posting… the last…oh… 50 posts were people personally attacking me, changing my name to be crude and rude monikers, insulting my intelligence when I pointed out the percentage of abortions… and because I pulled out the information that was necessary to answer a specific question earlier on, they attacked it stating I wasn’t smart enough to make a percentage survey add up to 100%. Just basic intelligence was gone for them. I think I read 50 different ways to justify a “choice.” and one person wrote that if she wants to rip a babe from her womb that it’s her choice… than again, she sells tarot cards and all that stuff on ebay so I have heartedly expected something vile from her. As sick as it was, it wasn’t much of a shock coming from someone like her.

I was called a liar when I mentioned that most post abortive women suffer from post abortion syndrome. (I think I used PTSD though). Blessed Mother Teresa’s remark of “what a shame it is for a mother to kill her own child so that she may live as she pleases” was accused of being short sighted.

Needless to say, I cleared off everything on that board that was mine and I haven’t been back in a few days… I’ve been hanging out here even if it’s to read threads over a year old and when I get the overwhelming urge to go to that site, I just get off the computer.

I’m very sad at how things went. I held my own with being charitable and providing facts and not getting emotional, but it was the first real exchange I’ve had defending the pro-life stance. I’ve never spoken out like this before. At least it prepped me for the argument with one of my friends earlier this week. I never knew she was so stubbornly pro-choice.

Anyway… sorry for being so long, just wanted to address that comment… I know some of those mama’s on that board aren’t like the ones described but I was dismayed that the very few pro-lifers that did stand up to say something would say something like “Well, I’m pro-life… but I’d never force my opinion onto you.” It wasn’t about forcing the opinion, it was standing up for it.
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