How do you envision the Blessed Virgin?

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I can only describe how I see Her, but I could never draw the picture. I often envision Her in Her post-assumption state as, by far, the most beautiful Woman ever lived–with a beauty so superior, so mystical that could never elicit any degree, whatsoever, of erotism; but, instead, that of total submission, and unworthiness (after all, this is the Woman whom God Himself desired!) Quite often, when I attempt to see myself in Her presence, my sole position has always been that of a groveler, with his tearful face on Her sandaled feet. Her face is always serene, yet with some inner clairvoyance (inner divinity?) that sees and feels our souls, and acts accordingly; with hope, joy or sorrow. I can’t even arrive at attributing a race to Her, Her skin is cosmopolitanically (Gosh, I was afraid of this! Being obliged to create words!) of a lighter tan(?) She is unimaginably glorious; yet, awesomely attractive to the lowest of sinners. She is the Fiat Queen! She is a rebel! She will not enjoy heavenly joy, because Her heart is still entangled in the mud of ours. Her face knows harshness and anger only when She gazes at what troubles us and makes us cry–the beast!
Of all the dogmas protestants in general have rejected, their greatest sin is rejecting Her. That is the sin against the Holy Spirit! How dare they substract from her dignities? What? That the Spirit has bad tastes when it comes to romance? Now that’s blasphemy!!!
I could go on forever still
to describe Her; but, in Her case some of Her beauties are to be left unsaid, hence preserving their originality.
PS: My capitalizing pronouns relating to Mary should by no means suggest that I think of Her as a godess. They’re simply to show how above humanity She is.
A word for streetcar:
I know you will most likely fall on the above post, but what can I say? Sorry, man; but here, the subject matter is quite personal, it’s Mommy we’re dealing with!!
Being abandoned at birth I have always envisioned her as holding me in her arms, I see her in my heart holding me in her arms as her own daughter. I am a little child in this view looking up into her eyes and she is gazing down upon me with complete motherly love. When the nuns received me after my abandonment on the 16th of August 1955 they named me Mary, for it was the day after the Feast of the Assumption. So she has always been my spiritual mother; and I owe her my life.
Especially when praying the Hail Mary or the Rosary, I envision her usually as either:
  1. the rendering of her in an old painting I saw in Italy of the Annunciation
  2. The young Virgin Mary with Jesus as a baby that you can get from this link.
    This is one of the most loving, peaceful, beautiful, and holy paintings of her that I’ve seen.
I always picture her as the young girl or lady at the Annunciation and Nativity. I envision her as the most majestic Quen the ever was. When I imagine her face it is a powerful but kind face, full of compassion and love. For some reaosn I seem to think of her as always youthful even though I know that she did age because she was human. But to me her youth is a symbol of her sinlessness. I always imagine her as the most youthful, radiant, loving Queen there could ever be. I like the classic depiction of her such as in statues and stained glass windows. Especially this one, this is usually as I always imagine Our Lady:
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