How do you feel about labor unions???
Where did they find him at? All kidding aside there may be another one for all I know. But here in MI they are still looking for Hoffa’s body.We get weekly taped messages from Hoffa (teamster’s president) telling us why we should vote for Kerry.
All very true, excellent post! I’ve been a union member for 23 years, am Democrat and support labor all the way. Without a union I doubt very much I could work in the construction trades, since I am a woman. Go union!They have their problems, but if it weren’t for unions a lot of us would be working for exploitive employers and not enjoying the fruits of our grandparent’s or parent’s role in using the right to organize as laid out by Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum(sic). Many of us would not have attained the levels of education we enjoy today and I might even venture to say would be working so hard to scratch out a basic living that we would not have time for something like these forums. It is a shame that there are so many that spring from humble families that don’t recognize the role unions played in allowing them to attain the status they enjoy today and who are anti-union. I grew up in Detriot starting in the mid-thirties and had older relatives on both sides of the organization of the auto workers. If you have doubts about unions it would be of benifit to read a little labor history particularly that stretching from about 1850 to 1950. Also look into the Church’s support for organized labor which was quite strong during that span of 100 years. We don’t hear much about such things today because our lives are rich enough that we have the time and opportunity to study and talk about spirituality and other issues instead of struggling to fill our bellies. The sad fact is that that struggle still goes on in much of the world including some places here in the US of A. There was a time when the Democratic Party strongly supported labor. Unfortunately they have dropped the torch on a lot of issues including the rights of the unborn.
Despite my previous post, I tend to agree that the skilled trades are one area where the unions have been and continue to be valuable. Particularly in their educational and apprenticeship roles.All very true, excellent post! I’ve been a union member for 23 years, am Democrat and support labor all the way. Without a union I doubt very much I could work in the construction trades, since I am a woman. Go union!
It’s Jimmy Jr. (at least I think so, but I’m more sure he is the infamous Hoffa’s son - not as sure about the junior.) I also think this Hoffa is infamous in is own right but I’m not sure enough of the details to repeat them.Where did they find him at? All kidding aside there may be another one for all I know. But here in MI they are still looking for Hoffa’s body.
I agree, trade fraternities/brotherhoods/unions for the skilled trades do alot to further their fields and the skills of their artisans.Despite my previous post, I tend to agree that the skilled trades are one area where the unions have been and continue to be valuable. Particularly in their educational and apprenticeship roles.
Hmmm.Gosh, I hope that doesn’t mean I have latent Democrat tendencies… :bigyikes:
Their use of them to trash, bash and intimidate Republican offices across the country certainly has not brought the AFL-CIO up as anything we need as it now stands. thuggery is thuggery and as a pro union person I’m ashamed of them.Which is something Democrats ain’t ever gonna, no matter how weak their union support. They’re just fine brushing this under the carpet so they can get their “Union Yes!” endorsement.
That is the problem. Unions seem to be counterproductive in insisting that NOTHING change even if technology or industry changes. I read that the unions are a major problem with the airlines being able to stay afloat. They have mandated various positions that need to be filled even though through technology, they are no longer needed. For example you have to have a specific level of mechanic simply to wave the plane away from the terminal even though that position is unnecessary.There are good unions and bad unions. I used to think that if the unions went away management would have learned from it’s past mistakes and would treat workers with dignity,
…has lost a lot of trade shows because of unreasonable work rules at McCormick place. You must have a carpenter attach a shelf to you display or an electrician plug in the power strip for your computer. Because the shows were leaving the rules are changing now.