How do you feel about labor unions?

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Unions served a purpose in the past but for the majority of this they have out lived that usefulness and are now just a drain.
Thanks to OSHA we have no (ethicial) need for them.

I detest them. My view: If you don’t like what were gonna pay then by all means find another job. I’ve got stacks of applications a mile high. Those that REALLY want to work can, take what you get, or take nothing at all.

You think without unions we would even have OSHA. You gotta be kidding. 👍
One local union boss refused to budge during negotiations and the company relocated hundreds of jobs to North Carolina. Those jobs were paying on average 50,000 a year and they were mainly manufacturing. (This is no isolated incident)

Both Corporate America and Unions demand too much. A non-unionized company can go too far and demand their workers to work 60 hours a week, for two weeks without a day off, paying them $6-7 an hour ($9-10 for overtime). The unions demand 40-70K with so many union rules and perks. Then when the economy goes sour and the company wants to cut costs, the union demands a 7% increase in pay, the union refuses the 2% increase in pay the company offers. Then they part ways… unions and greedy companies are a match made in Hades and deserve each other.
There are good corporations, and there are good Unions. The objective is to know the difference, and use our influence and prayers where needed.
If you have many local “bad” companies that pay $6-9, you have many low paying jobs.

If you have many “bad” unions, you will soon find many unemployed people and a depressed economy.

Market Economics drive our economy, so if you get a bunch of low paying jobs and the local companies cannot find qualified workers who will work for so little, they will increase their salaries (as they did in the 90s). Unions have a tendency to drive away thousands of jobs. Look at the rust belt states.

I’ll take many “bad” companies over many “bad” unions.
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