I am not the type of Mom who feels the need for “:sleep-overs”. I think they are way over-emphasized. Kids get NO sleep, parents don’t sleep a wink that nite, house is left a total and complete mess, kids inevitably end up either watching too much TV or playing way too many video games, not good for them, so as you may see, I am totally opposed to them. There is no reason why a child needs to “sleep over” at another child’s house.
Just last week my 15 yo, asked if he could “spend the nite” with so and so. I know so and so’s parent, that she, a single mom, has had many a live-in boyfriend, that she lets him go wherever, do whatever, have free access to the net, and voila, my child would be in total disrepair, and who knows what? Forget it! Many of you parents could care less about such, but I do. I do not want my child, regardless of age being exposed to such, and I will make every attempt to keep him from such.
Another instance, I left my 11 yo after school with a friend, come to find out hours later, that a parent was not even present, rather they left to do errands, and he was home with a 16 yo old relative. HELLO? Who knows what could have happened? I feel parents MUST be cautious today!!! We must NOT let our kids go to a “friend’s house” unless we know the parent, and unless we can be guaranteed that parent is home, etc., and such and such. Why should we do otherwise? Do we just want a “babysitter” for our kids? Why do we even have them then, if we are so eager to pawn them off on a babysitter, day care, grandparents, etc., etc., any other relative, etc., while we run off to a job. God blessed US with our precious little ones. They are NOT the responsibility of someone else, relative or not, they are OUR blessing from above, and OUR responsibility.