Other Eric:
Now that I’m trying for motherhood all those protective insticts are working overdrive…
I agree completely. In thinking of situations that could pose a possible danger, this one seemed the most dangerous. It was one of the only situations where I would be leaving my child under someone else’s close control and supervision; I’ll probably homeschool, youth events at church are heavily supervised, won’t be using daycare or babysitters - I guess there are still things like dance or music lessons, but they seem less dangerous because of the environment. What got me thinking about this was the combination of another thread and two recent Dr. Phil episodes (I know, I know…but I just love the guy ) with two teenage boys who were child molestors. My fear is less so that a sibling would molest my child, but maybe a siblings friend who also happens to be sleeping over.as the likelihood of sexual abuse is concerned, regrettably, I know the opportunity for this outrage presents itself at a host of situations - not just sleep-overs. One cannot sequester one’s child away from every possible risk. What we can do is minimize the risk by controlling the risk factors as much as is reasonably possible.
Now that I’m trying for motherhood all those protective insticts are working overdrive…