as a DRE responsible for pre-K through High School, I offer these thoughts as I would to any parent.
- what is your attitude and your husband’s toward Mass, spoken or unspoken? do you make it clear you go with joy even though it is a duty you do it for love (as you cook and clean for your family, as your husband works for his family, doing duties for love). do you show that it is an onerous duty that you would skip if you could.
My husband and I love going to Mass and never miss. We go to a Tridentine Mass but we still go to Mass with the kids at our parish. One time my daughter asked me why we go twice. I told her we wanted to set a good example for them. She said, “you’re a good mom.”
- what is the prayer climate of the home outside of Mass? meals together with grace? prayer together? even if they won’t pray with you, do they see you praying, reading bible, praying as a couple for your family? do they get a clear sense that you have spiritual life and right relationship with God as top priority?
Meals together and grace before used to be a regular thing but now that they are in highschool, they stay after a lot for drama club and other activities. But when we are together, we do pray together. Next to my bed I have a bible and several different spiritual books. They always catch me reading my bible when they come in our room at night for whatever reason. I’ve tried to get them to pray with me but I don’t get a lot of response to that. They know that God is my top priority.
- you say new youth group leader is not so hot. if they have not been confirmed presumably they are in CCD or confirmation program. have you, or especially hub, become involved in any capacity-catechist, mentor, hospitality, chaperone, small group leader–in youth programs in your parish? have you made any effort to get to know those responsible and offers assistance? do you show by your actions and commitments that spiritual development of youth in your family and parish is a priority?