How do you give a worry up to God?

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I’ve used this phrase many times in my life and almost always been able to simply tell myself to let God handle something–which usually gave me a sense of peace.

There is something impending at the end of the week which is giving me a lot of worry, concern and anxiety. As much as I keep saying, “God I give this to you,” I’m not feeling as if it is His. I’ve tried praying about it extensively, I’ve tried not thinking about it, I’ve tried getting my emotions out about it, I’ve tried journaling and talking about it, I’ve tried visualizing myself laying it at the foot of the cross, but I’m simply really worried about the outcome of this event and I feel the burden of it on me, not God. Nothing is seeming to remove it from my heart, even though I do truly want to let God have it.

How do I get rid of this? I want my peace back.
I’ve been working on this type of thing all year! Not worrying over things I can’t do anything about.

Prayer and sacrifice are great. Also keep reminding yourself that God knows the big picture, and you don’t. Whatever the outcome, He has a plan and you may not be in on the details of that plan just yet 🙂 Tell Him that you trust Him.

I also think that we women take responsibility for too many things that we shouldn’t. We somehow feel that if something turns out badly (or not the way we hoped), it’s our fault or we let someone down. Hopefully that’s not your situation. —KCT
Sometimes, this scripture from Luke 12 helps me calm down:

25 And which of you, by being anxious about it, can add to his stature one cubit?

26 If then ye be not able to do so much as the least thing, why are you solicitous for the rest? 27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they labour not, neither do they spin. But I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these. 28 Now if God clothe in this manner the grass that is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more you, O ye of little faith?

32 Fear not, little flock, for it hath pleased your Father to give you the kingdom.
I have offered up my sufferings and worries to Jesus on many occasions. I pray to him by first saying: “Sacred Heart of Jesus I trust in you” and offer up your prayers. I sometimes pray the Chaplet of Devine Mercy.
Also pray to our Holy Mother also for her intercession:
“Immaculate Heart of Mary, I place all my trust in you.”
Sometimes we may not feel that Jesus hears our prayers but remember the Footprints in the sand poem?
Yes, he really does.
I hope your delimma at the end of the week will be resolved and may Jesus always be with you:yup:
I will pray for you.:gopray2:
I use my Jesus Box.

I get an old shoe box and cut a hole in the top…then I decorate it anyway I want.

I get some paper and write my worries on the paper. I don’t concern myself with spelling or syntax or grammar…after all it is not going to be shown to anyone but the Lord.

Then I put the paper in front of me, get on my knees and say a prayer…maybe something like this:

Lord, here it is…this is what I am afraid of, what I am worried about, and I am giving it to you. It is ruling my life and filling my heart and mind right now, Jesus, and I am giving it to you. Please grant me the grace to turn my attention to how I may serve You and my fellows today. Amen.

Then I put it in my Jesus Box and walk away…if I have to do it five times in one day, so be it.

It works.
I say:

Lord, please make up what is lacking in me to handle this the way it will please you.

in XT.
Instead of “God, I don’t want this worry. You take it,” try “God, I don’t like this worry, but I am willing to bear it for love of You.”

I’ve discovered this about worry: usually, it is pointless. If you can’t do anything about the situation, if you are completely powerless (aside from prayer, of course), then find something productive to do.

If, on the other hand, there is something you can do, then do it.

I assume from your screenname that you are female. If this is so, you should understand how irrational emotions can be! If you still feel worried, or you don’t feel like the worry is his, well… don’t worry about it. Emotions, particularly teenage female emotions (not sure if you’re a teenager, but looks like you’re female), are not always the best gauge of what’s going on.

(If you are an older-than-teenage female, please tell me: does it ever stop???)

-Mary, the teenage female

I completely skipped over your signature. If you are pregnant, I hope you are female. I don’t know this from experience, but from what I’ve heard, pregnancy is at least as bad as puberty on the emotions.
Dear friend

It’s not going according to your plan is it? You had a desire and a way you wanted it all to be didn’t you? You petitioned God for your desire, your outcome and now you are worrying it may not go all your way aren’t you?

I have spent the worst Christmas bar one that I can remember. I spent the two weeks on the run up to Christmas praying and offering myself as sacrifice for a certain outcome over Christmas and especially Christmas day, but for His will to be done and the outcome I asked for didn’t happen. Does this mean that Jesus did not hear me? No it doesn’t. My family fell to pieces and Christmas day was a mess, the day was a wash-out and I ended up coming home with my four year old daughter to spend that evening alone and Boxing day alone with my daughter too. I could think God had abandoned me, I could think God did not answer my prayers, I could think I prayed wrong. I could think all manner of things, but I am thinking that God’s will was not what I asked, that what happened needed to happen for a reason, God’s will was the outcome and I accept it and although hard to bear I am happy with it.

Make your petition, stop being afraid, you have nothing to be afraid of, ever. Whatever the outcome is, God always provides to His faithful who trust Him. So don’t make any fuss by being anxious and trust in Him.

Are you wiser than God that you can make every good plan for your God-given life?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I notice by your profile that you are still quite young, though not a teenager. If it helps any to know, let me share with you that things that bother you now will not bother you at all once you get another 25 years under your belt. Whatever it is that has you so concerned cannot be changed at all by you worrying yourself sick about it. Try imagining the worst case scenario and how you’re going to handle it. Sometimes that helps me. Expect the best but prepare for the worst. It’s always good to have a Plan B. And realize, too, that being pregnant makes a big difference. Maybe your doctor can prescribe a mild sedative for you. Can you talk to someone who has gone through what you are currently dealing with? Realistically, what are the odds that things won’t go well? When all else fails, take a deep breath and go have some ice cream. 😉
There is something impending at the end of the week which is giving me a lot of worry, concern and anxiety. As much as I keep saying, “God I give this to you,” I’m not feeling as if it is His. I’ve tried praying about it extensively, I’ve tried not thinking about it, I’ve tried getting my emotions out about it, I’ve tried journaling and talking about it, I’ve tried visualizing myself laying it at the foot of the cross, but I’m simply really worried about the outcome of this event and I feel the burden of it on me, not God. Nothing is seeming to remove it from my heart, even though I do truly want to let God have it.

How do I get rid of this? I want my peace back.
Well, you can only hand over to God that which is yours.
The way you phrased the situation makes me wonder if it’s even yours to give away…
‘the outcome of this event’ and you ‘feel the burden of it’ on you…

Is the burden yours? yes or no?

Your ‘feeling’ the burden is on you may be you ‘assuming’ the responsibility even though it really is out of your hands, and maybe that’s why you’re not feeling release.

Is the event within your control alone? or are other people involved in this outcome?
No, it should not be specifically my burden, because it has nothing to do with me or my actions, nor really anyone’s actions. It is way out of my reach or control.

My husband will have the first of a series of doctor’s appointments beginning on Thursday to determine some things about his health and possible treatments or solutions. He is an eternal optimist and views this as a great opportunity to find out information about his body and to get better; while I’m more like, AHHHHHHHHHHH something could be wrong and NO NO NO NO that is not part of the plan, I need you to be safe and healthy and by my side for the rest of forever!!! tantrum ensues

If that makes sense.

I think it’s hard for me because he has always been the model of health, wellness and strength. I have been so sick and injured the last couple years and he has always been my comfort and courage, in both body and soul. I think perhaps I started to think of him as invincible. (Sounds sort of ridiculous, but it’s true.) He’s maybe coughed twice the entire time I’ve known him. In tough situations, he is always steady as a rock.

Aside or maybe because of, from that I feel like God is giving my consciousness a healthy dose of reality about how fragile our lives here on earth are and that it is really only by His grace that all good things come. Which, intellectually, I’ve always known, but perhaps I haven’t grasped it spiritually in any full sense. I think I’ve viewed things more as, if I work hard, if I do things the right way, then **I **will earn what I want and hope for. As if the blessings are rewards for me doing things the perceived “right” way. I KNOW that isn’t true, intellectually–as I said, but I have struggled all my life with thinking I have to “be good” to be blessed. And I’ve transferred that into my marriage as being, Okay, if we just work hard, pray hard and play hard then all things will fall into place and we’ll be a happy, safe, secure little unit with no major health issues, no drastic catastrophes, no terrible heartaches, no great sufferings. …HA!

Which really doesn’t even make sense to keep holding onto as a belief, because we certainly have had our share of struggles and obstacles to overcome already in our short marriage–despite how much we’ve done things with integrity and prayerful discernment. The hits keep on comin’! 🙂 Perhaps I’m just waiting for the many storms to pass? I don’t know. Everything usually works out in the end, but it is always a long, tough road and perhaps I’m getting a little travel weary at the moment. Of course, I think of all that could yet STILL go wrong and I immediately become very grateful for our many blessings. I just have a new wariness about the grace we stand upon and how easily things can be shaken… for right now, it’s an uncomfortable feeling. I need to increase my trust, but as I posted, it seems so hard for me to let go and just let God handle it all.
And for those of you who pointed out the pregnancy hormones as having a big effect…ohhhhhhh yes, I believe you. 🙂

However, I do sort of have several situational issues coinciding right now, so even if I wasn’t pregnant, I still think I’d have the stress and anxiety. I just get the added joy of having it with heightened pregnancy hormones instead! Yay!
How do I get rid of this? I want my peace back.
Well, I do believe that God will give me the help I need, but I never stop worrying about stuff completely. I just don’t sweat small things and when I have something that seriously needs my attention, I pray on it and ask God for the strength to deal with whatever problem I have. I figure that any issues are mine to deal with and that I can trust that anything in the afterlife is in the hands of God. However, He is not responsible for my actions on Earth and I deal with problems with this in mind.

When I am worried it seems to stem from my heart, ask The father to drain the blood inside of you and give it to the Mother to console her… I find the mercy of peace floods my thoughts and I Trust in being like a child… I see hope in perservearance in Prayer. The Virgin Mary is holding your hand!
I have found it is never enough to put something on God’s shoulders. That we must do, but it must be followed by something else…

Not my will, but yours Lord.

This is a very, very difficult thing to get accustomed to saying and accepting, but something I repeat often at such times. Right now, my job is on the chopping block, with up to 10-20% rumored to be permanently laid off in my department right after the first of the year. I’ve lived comfortably with my job and it is a specialized skill that is related primarily to the industry in which I currently work. Because I’ve been in the business 20 years, I got in at a time that did not require an engineering degree. If I am let go, I will likely never find a job that pays anything more than 1/3 of the benefits and take home pay I get now. There are many degreed engineers out there looking for work. While I live a modest middle income life, nonetheless, it will be devastating if I lose my job. This was difficult from the very beginning, to cope with.

I prayed about it and soon after recognized that I am not entitled to my job and it is only by the grace of God that I have it. I looked around and realized my attachment to things that are nice to have, but not necessary to have. I put it in God’s hand’s by telling him, “Not my will Lord, but yours and please grant me the grace to accept your will for me”.

I know that if I lose my job, there is something that God has in store for me. It could be some lesson he wants me to learn that if I resist His will, can only make the lesson more difficult. I cannot change what is in store for me, so my only other alternative is to accept what comes forth.

I have had to deal with severe illness in my family and among friends. I have learned to do the same thing and this included a 17 year old cousin who developed testicular cancer which had spread by the time he told anyone he had problems. He passed away a year later, but not before I asked the Lord to help me to accept His will.

In a situation such as yours, where you are concerned about the health of your spouse, it is understandable. Not only do you love him and want to have him for many, many years, but you are subject to great feelings of insecurity. You may be wondering, “what will I do if something happens to him?” or “How will food get put on the table and bills be paid?” . You may be going through some of the many things that troubled my heart about the loss of my job because that is security related. And, you have children, which compounds those feelings of insecurity because you want to provide for them. Maybe everything turns out just fine and the lesson God wanted you to have is to learn to be grateful and to not take anyone or anything for granted. Maybe this is happening because God is trying to teach you that you should have a provision plan going into the future, such as a good life insurance policy that will enable you and your children to live well should something unexpected happen to him. And, maybe it is just God’s way of bringing you closer together, or even closer to Him. Often times he sends us lessons to deal with that which is most difficult and surrendering our will to Him is a huge one to learn.

God loves you more than anyone on this earth and somehow, he will provide for you. If tomorrow your spouse were to perish in an accident, you would survive, but a new normal would have to develop. It may initiate itself with a great act of humility should you have to move in with someone temporarily until you can get a plan together.

God is a great teacher and there are lessons in all that happen to us. They are often never pleasing. But then again, we are Christians and contrary to what many denominations preach, it is not all fluff and feel-good stuff. More often than not, it involves the cross.

This is just one of many “agony in the garden” you will have. I encourage you to turn to meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, if you do not do so already. It is there that you realize that we are born with Christ, we go to Calvary with him, and someday we will rise to meet him, if we die in grace.

Take up your Cross daily and follow Him. Never take your eyes off of the Cross. Unlike eternity, this life is only a drop in the bucket of time. It is a staging area for what is to come.

Try to live one day at a time. Ask God to help you cope for just this day. You only have to cope for this day.
Or make it this hour…or if your really bad then this minute.
It may help. I hope all goes well.
This helps me:

"… all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well"
Julian of Norwich

Try to say sincerely, not my will, but Thy will be done.

PGT: personal growth time. It sucks. Sometimes very painful, but ultimately beneficial. I say follow your husband’s lead on this. If he’s not worried, why should you be? And remember, there is never a time when everything is ok. We just don’t have that much control. The best I can do is keep my very small corner of the world clean, calm and peaceful. A year from now you’ll look back at all this and marvel at how things all worked out, how much you’ve grown, how much better you feel. Hang in there. Life is a journey, not a destination and it IS an adventure!
I have found it is never enough to put something on God’s shoulders. That we must do, but it must be followed by something else…

Not my will, but yours Lord.

Take up your Cross daily and follow Him. Never take your eyes off of the Cross. Unlike eternity, this life is only a drop in the bucket of time. It is a staging area for what is to come.
This is beautiful, and how I handle adversity, worries, etc. You MUST say it with your heart and truly mean it “Not my will, but your will be done, Lord” EVERY SINGLE time you begin to worry. Day in and day out you must give it to God, but concede that His will be done, not yours. In some things, it is just not possible to “hand it over to God” and forget it. Some things are just too big. It must be a constant meditation on your part. It is very scary to tell God that you want His will to be done. We are afraid that what God asks of us may be too hard.

It also helps to remember that this time in our lives is just a drop into eternity. I try to think 50-100 years into the future. Will anyone remember me? Will anyone remember my problems or worries? In 30 years will I remember what I was worried about now? My dh and I have weathered many storms. Problems that I thought were insurmountable, but now here we are with 18 years under our belt, and everything worked out—not the way we would have imagined, but truly according to God’s will.

John Russell Jr. also said to “take one day at a time”. That’s really all we can do, and all God asks us to do. Some of us are planners. We need to know what is going to happen. We want to plan for all contingencies. It gives us more peace to just take each day, and do the best we can with that day.

I’ll keep you and your husband in my prayers, Abby.
It’s also good to remember that all the while you say, “Your will Lord, not mine”, it is ok to feel afraid. Jesus showed us this when He went through the agony in the garden. Only fear could make Him sweat blood. But, in the end He submitted Himself to the will of His Father.
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