How do you give a worry up to God?

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I’ve used this phrase many times in my life and almost always been able to simply tell myself to let God handle something–which usually gave me a sense of peace. …

. Nothing is seeming to remove it from my heart, even though I do truly want to let God have it.

How do I get rid of this? I want my peace back.
I guess being a literal-minded person who tends to think in pictures, I have to do this literally. I have to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament or the Crucifix, imagine my worry or anxiety as a bundle or package and literally in my mind place it before Jesus. I kind of picture the usher brining up the basket with the collection and placing it in front of the altar. Or sometimes I picture the people bringing up the bread and wine, and my worry is on a gold plate and presented at the same time and placed on the altar.

I don’t necessarily notice any feeling or emotion of peace, but then, it has been many years since I experienced any discernable emotion or feeling at Mass, in prayer etc. But I do release the worry. Not that it is totally out of my mind, but I can consider the issue calmly and rationally, make a to do list to deal with it, or recognize that it is beyond my control and let go of it.
I’m more like, AHHHHHHHHHHH something could be wrong and NO NO NO NO that is not part of the plan, I need you to be safe and healthy and by my side for the rest of forever!!! tantrum ensues

If that makes sense. Oh, yeah. PERFECT sense. Been there, done that. 😉

I have struggled all my life with thinking I have to “be good” to be blessed. And I’ve transferred that into my marriage as being, Okay, if we just work hard, pray hard and play hard then all things will fall into place and we’ll be a happy, safe, secure little unit with no major health issues, no drastic catastrophes, no terrible heartaches, no great sufferings. …HA! Yeah, laughing right with you on that one…sooooo familiar! 😃
The worry you need to focus on in handing over to God is your worry that hubby’s exam will come up with the worst case scenario. That is what seems to be bringing you such anxiety. Your husband’s positive outlook is a **BIG **plus. If your husband has any medical condition the positive outlook is the best medicine he could have, aside from your love and prayers. He’s been a healthy rock, he’ll be fine…you can trust in that. You can trust that whatever the outcome, God will see you and him through it. Be not afraid, PrincessAbby, you can face anything even though you don’t want to (who does, really?).

Lux_et_veritus has it right:
It’s also good to remember that all the while you say, “Your will Lord, not mine”, it is ok to feel afraid. Jesus showed us this when He went through the agony in the garden. Only fear could make Him sweat blood. But, in the end He submitted Himself to the will of His Father.
Princess Abby,

I was just reading this thread and hoping everything turned out ok? Any update on your situation?
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