How do you keep God in your mind?

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A question for all to ponder :hmmm: and share on.

How do you keep God in your mind? How do you help yourself remember that God is always with you, regardless of where you are at the time?

Do you use special techniques at special times, such as Singing religious songs in the shower? :whistle:

(I will post my thoughts later)
How do you keep God in your mind? How do you help yourself remember that God is always with you, regardless of where you are at the time?
I think for me, it’s a matter of actively looking for God. To see Him in the little things, and to dedicate my every action towards His glory.

Of course, I often fail, as is the case with most of us in our fallen states. But it works fairly well.

I also like to spend a lot of time mulling over theological issues, and that helps too.
Wearing a scapular helps. I also sing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy or listen to Catholic radio while working around the house.
Every one of life’s little reminders that I’m not in control helps keep the Lord at the forefront of my thoughts. Although it’s a struggle, I try to raise the white flag daily and try to reaffirm my total surrender through prayer and thanksgiving. God’s love and mercy are wondrous things.
Here is a few physical reminders that I use

Every room on my home has lots of religious pictures and/or statues in it including the bathrooms

I turn on EWTN shortwave over the internet on my computer when I go on this morning and it usually stays on until I go to dinner and to sit with my wife.

EWTN TV is regularly watched.

I have a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my car. (Thanks to the Sacred Heart Auto League)

Lots and lots of religious books in my home.
I listen to a CD on songs in latin on the mass.

I bless myself and my family daily with holy water.

I try to realize anew each day that nothing I have or am is mine. It all belongs to God. Even my children.

I try to thank God for even the smallest beauties.

I try and thank God for my worst days.
I try to develop habits that help me keep God in mind.

When making decision I ask in thought “what should I do God?” - This can be small decisions, such as which route to use when driving between point A & point B, or big decisions. Sometimes I get an answer, sometimes I think of what God would do, and sometimes no way seems better, so I just pick one.

I let Sin in myself and in others near me bother me.

I invite God actively along wherever I go. (do not do this often enough yet.)

I pray before meals wherever I am. (sometimes I forget.)

Anyplace I sleep, I give to God as His place, and I am just the place’s temporary caregiver/occupant.

I ask the angels to remind me of God when I need it. (need to develop this into a stronger habit.)

I receive the Eucharist frequently.

I go to Confession. (not as often as I would like - need to arrange for a priest to visit me regularly - I am mostly homebound.)

I interact with other Christians (particularly those working on being closer to God).

I try to ground myself on Jesus.
Every time I see something wonderful or beautiful in nature - a sunset or sunrise, for instance - and every time I see a work of men that shows particularly notable magnificence, I smile and say, “Thank you, God.”

I do the same when I see someone publicly perform a selfless act of charity.
I talk to Him all the time. So often in fact that sometimes I’m not really sure whether I’m thinking or praying. I know that He can hear me anyway, so I always think like I know He’s listening, as if my thoughts were commenting on something to a friend. My sister asked me once a few years ago how often I thought of God. I told her about once or twice an hour. I am happy to say that now, I’m not sure I could go 5 minutes without thinking of Him!
Every room on my home has lots of religious pictures and/or statues in it including the bathrooms
I have a copy of the New Testament in my bathroom. To those who question the, um, sanctity of such a thing, I always say “The Book says to ‘Pray Always’, doesn’t it?”
I love this post;) …looking at the stars at night, a perfect flower in bloom, someone that smiles at me.
I find myself humming the “Agnus Dei” and I love the “Kyrie Eleison” so i hum that alot too:)
God be with you,
I find myself humming the “Agnus Dei” and I love the “Kyrie Eleison” so i hum that alot too
I sing both of those in the car and the shower all the time! LOL
The Jesus Prayer, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner!", plays a huge part in my life. It’s such an easy prayer to train yourself to habitually recite… I’d be lost without it!

No need to verbalize it - recite it in your mind anytime and every time your mind experiences a free moment… you’ll eventually discover that it’s not at all uncommon to find opportunities to offer this prayer 100 times or more during an average working day.

Sometimes it helps to “time” the prayer itself to the rhythm of your breathing… helps your body to make the habitual association between prayer and normal life functions. Eventually, the mere act of breathing will trigger the desire to “pray constantly,” as St. Paul charges us to do (I’m not there yet, but I’m working on it!).

I also carry with me, at all times, a chotki - an Eastern sacramental, similar in design to a rosary, used by Eastern Christians to track their recitations of the Jesus Prayer. Although I rarely use it to track my recitations of the Prayer during the day, I take much comfort in just reaching into my pocket and touching it. Stressful situations throughout the day (of which there are MANY!) are eased by the mere touch of my fingers upon my chotki, which immediately serves to calm me and reestablish proper perspective for me.

For those interested in the power of this simple prayer, I highly recommend the easily-read classic book, The Way of a Pilgrim, which traces the quest of an anonymous Russian pilgrim to follow St. Paul’s command to “pray without ceasing” (readily available at a variety of sources including Barnes & Noble,, etc.).

a pilgrim
You mean it’s possible to get Him out??? hmmm …
Best answer I’ve seen. And why didn’t I think of it?
Through the use of the Jesus prayer

'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner"

and icons through the house
By loving God as much as I can and praying to love him more (regardless of the price) each day. The more you love someone the more you think about them.
Great Post, I love to see new ideas on this.🙂

I like the answers and do a lot of them to keep Christ in my day. Sing, cds, Ewtn, but I get to take the children at school to chapel all day, and as I always tell them chatter to Jesus he wants to hear you chatter, just like when you come in to school and talk to your friends. So I chatter a lot to Him. Just like my friends.
Dr. Colossus:
I talk to Him all the time. My sister asked me once a few years ago how often I thought of God. I told her about once or twice an hour. I am happy to say that now, I’m not sure I could go 5 minutes without thinking of Him!

Wow, that’s tremendous! 😃 I hope (and pray!) the day comes when I can say the same!
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