How do you keep God in your mind?

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Upon awakening, I put myself in His presence…I offer Him my day, my work and all I say or do. Throughout the day I make little aspirations:…My God my All…Jesus Mercy…Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like unto thine…
Sometimes it’s just the holy name of JESUS…
I see God in the person who loves me, who hates me, who doesn’t know me, who knows me, who is indifferent. I see God in all of nature in all His creation from the sky to the earth and the sea and all the creatures in them. All the plants and the beauty of the rythmn and reason of life. I see it in the oldest person and the youngest baby even not born resting in the security and warmth of the womb.

I see God in the burning in my heart and the leaps of joy it makes, this is His love for us, I see God in the brightest morning and the darkest night, I see God in the goodest act, in all those clumsy acts inbetween that are a slow walk towards Him and with Him and even in the worst act upon earth because it is at this very moment He gives those who endure that act towards them the strength to bear it, to endure, to live and to still hope in Him.

I see God in silence and in the most noisy places, in my sleeping and my waking, in the face of every person on this earth , in short, in every thing and everyone because there is nothing, not one thing, not one person who has not been shaped by His hand, His love has moulded everything and everyone, His power sustains it/them and His love embodies it/them. He resides in and all around.

God is in those who create, those who make, those who think, those who mirror His ways and do all of this to His glory.

God is in His word, which is in sacred scripture and ultimately Christ Jesus and etched into the very core of everyone’s soul, this is the yearning to know our origin that is within all people.

God Bless you all and much love and peace to you all xxxx
Thank you Thomas for starting a beautiful thread like so many of yours are. God Bless you

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