How Do You Know Its Your God?

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But wouldn’t you agree that such discussions can sometimes convince the other party to change their position?
Certainly. Many and hopefully all persons are open to being persuaded. But the likelihood of convincing a died in the wool atheist is unlikely. One assumes they have heard every argument that can be made. Agnostics are a different thing, I think. But of course it cuts both ways. I’ve seen believers convinced by atheists that atheists were right.
There are very strong arguments for catholic faith that no intelligent man can deny:

The wonders of Jesus and first of all his resurrection.
This wonders are even confirmed by the ennemies (Quoran, babylonic Talmud).

All the Apostels and Martyrs have confirmed those miracles and did own ones.

Still today there are:
(look all the followings)

Only the Son of God has scientifically affirmed miracles.
Unless you are prepared to prove their are no intelligent men outside Christianity, then your argument fails. And of course you have forgotten about women entirely.
Unless you are prepared to prove their are no intelligent men outside Christianity, then your argument fails.
Faith is not neutral like mathematics.
You have to change your life if you recognize Jesus as the Son of God.

So people that deny Jesus don’t do it with their intelligence, but with their bad will. They don’t want to change their lifes.

(For women it is the same.)
Faith is not neutral like mathematics.
You have to change your life if you recognize Jesus as the Son of God.

So people that deny Jesus don’t do it with their intelligence, but with their bad will. They don’t want to change their lifes.

(For women it is the same.)
I’ve heard it said that faith is a gift, and it’s clear not everyone was a receiver. To suggest that people reject Christianity out of stubborness alone is to belittle the personal experiences of every non-Christian for the past 2000 years. It is a trite statement that choses to ignore the very real struggles with faith many millions of people have/had. It suggests that they just need to try harder and that the fault is all their own. On the surface, scripture is just hearsay. It takes faith to believe it. So we’re back to square one…🤷
You have to listen exactly to the Christmas message “Grace to all human of GOOD WILL”.

— You have to distinguish about the intelligence of the miracles and the intelligence of the supernatural truth that is proved with those miracles.

The exigences of the faith (especially believing in Jesus as Son of God) are very strong for our intelligence and ask a complete changement of our life.

Even if the prove of the miracles is intellectually sufficient to prove faith, the content of faith is over the capacities of our intelligence (supernatural).

It is NOT possible to believe in the Son of God without the help of God (a gift).
“Nobody confesses that Jesus is the Son of God except out of the Holy Spirit.”

The intelligence fights against those bestly proven miracles, because it doesn’t want to have to accept the truth of faith that are strictly over the capacities of natural intelligence.

So you will find that atheists find always a stupid reason why a miracle shouldn’t be true.

Without the help of God the intelligence will even deny the NATURAL intelligence of the miracle proofs, not to accept the supernatural truth.
You have to listen exactly to the Christmas message “Grace to all human of GOOD WILL”.

— You have to distinguish about the intelligence of the miracles and the intelligence of the supernatural truth that is proved with those miracles.

The exigences of the faith (especially believing in Jesus as Son of God) are very strong for our intelligence and ask a complete changement of our life.

Even if the prove of the miracles is intellectually sufficient to prove faith, the content of faith is over the capacities of our intelligence (supernatural).

It is NOT possible to believe in the Son of God without the help of God (a gift).
“Nobody confesses that Jesus is the Son of God except out of the Holy Spirit.”

The intelligence fights against those bestly proven miracles, because it doesn’t want to have to accept the truth of faith that are strictly over the capacities of natural intelligence.

So you will find that atheists find always a stupid reason why a miracle shouldn’t be true.

Without the help of God the intelligence will even deny the NATURAL intelligence of the miracle proofs, not to accept the supernatural truth.
You seem to be arguing for the existence of God, but that is a given in this thread; the supernatural is accepted. But there are a wide variety of supernatural events. The issue is how do you know that the Christian God is involved? 🤷
Faith is not neutral like mathematics.
You have to change your life if you recognize Jesus as the Son of God.

So people that deny Jesus don’t do it with their intelligence, but with their bad will. They don’t want to change their lifes.

(For women it is the same.)
But you raised the issue of intelligence, not I
You have to listen exactly to the Christmas message “Grace to all human of GOOD WILL”.

— You have to distinguish about the intelligence of the miracles and the intelligence of the supernatural truth that is proved with those miracles.

The exigences of the faith (especially believing in Jesus as Son of God) are very strong for our intelligence and ask a complete changement of our life.

Even if the prove of the miracles is intellectually sufficient to prove faith, the content of faith is over the capacities of our intelligence (supernatural).

It is NOT possible to believe in the Son of God without the help of God (a gift).
“Nobody confesses that Jesus is the Son of God except out of the Holy Spirit.”

The intelligence fights against those bestly proven miracles, because it doesn’t want to have to accept the truth of faith that are strictly over the capacities of natural intelligence.

So you will find that atheists find always a stupid reason why a miracle shouldn’t be true.

Without the help of God the intelligence will even deny the NATURAL intelligence of the miracle proofs, not to accept the supernatural truth.
I don’t see that intelligence fights miracles. Is it not to everyone’s benefit to believe in God rather than not? Death is final to the atheist, is that something an intelligent being desires? I think not.

You treat with disdain and simplicity a situation that is often arrived at after painful analysis and acceptance of the result of intense thinking and reading and studying. I don’t think most atheists are so by choice, but by elimination of any rational alternative as they see it. I see differently of course, and feel bad for them. It is not something any one would rationally seek.
No I’m NOT speaking about the existence of God.
I can prove it. That’s NO supernatural faith.

The supernatural faith is that Jesus is the Son of God incarnated from the vergin Mary.

That’s strictely supernatural.

I’m speaking about miracles. Only the catholic (christian) church has miracles (that are even accepted by the ennemies: Talmud and Quran).

Only for a spernatural faith you need miracles.

Mircales prove which faith is the right one.

Jesus did many miracles. The main one is the resurrection. The apostles died as prove for this miracles. The holy church keeps those testimonies alive with all the martyrs who did also new miracles.
(The true martyr is even itself a miracle.)

Even today you find miracles and visions:
Very many africans convert because of miracles and visions
But you raised the issue of intelligence, not I
Yes: For the faith, but the denial is irrational.
I don’t see that intelligence fights miracles. Is it not to everyone’s benefit to believe in God rather than not? Death is final to the atheist, is that something an intelligent being desires? I think not.
You’re turning my words arround.
First of all I’ve said that I’m NOT speaking about the existence of God. The existence of God is a NATURAL truth and doesn’t need any miracle. It’s a morally meritory act to recognize that God exists. Because you have to change your life with this truth. But it’s NO supernatural truth. As you say correctly: It’s a benefit to believe in God and have a sense for your life. So there is no conflict in you intellegence, when you recognize that God exists. Human is capable to find by NATURAL will and intelligence that God exists. It’s NO supernatural truth.

But the faith that Jesus is the Son of God incarnated by the Virgin Mary IS a supernatural truth.
This truth IS a problem for natural intelligence. It hurts to the natural intelligence because this truth can NOT fully be understood by natural intelligence. Natural intelligence fights against that truth because it is supernatural and natural intelligence can’t hold that.
I did never say that miracles are generally against intelligence. That’s not true. You are right!!! It’s the inverse: The existence of miracles is rational.

But the intelligence fights against those special miracles because they come in a double package. They are not only miracles to enjoy you, but they are miracle that prove supernatural truth that are difficult for natural intelligence. But the natural intelligence fights against the higher supernatural truth. And this reality is the reason why this intelligence fights even against the miracles that are fully naturally proven. The proves of the miracles are not out of the capacities of natural intelligence. But because they come as prove of supernatural truth the natural intelligence fights even against those truth. Because when you accept the natural truth of the miracles you have to accept the supernatural truth that they confirm.
I’ve read the “prove God exists” stuff and wanted to tackle a different question. I have no problem believing that there is a “God”, by which I mean a Supreme Being, Creator of the Universe type power. So that is something we can agree on. But how do we know that this Great Spirit is the Judeo Christian God? This is something I was raised with and never thought I’d question, but, alas, I now do. Please feel free to disucss, whatever your belief. I’d like to read what folks have to say.
We cannot really know.

But here is why I personally chose to stick with Christianity. First of all, I want to know why there is something, rather then nothing. I am not interested in Gods that are apart of the natural order, whose existence was caused by the cosmic clashing of two planets. I am attracted to the quality of monotheism, because such a God ultimately provides a possible explanation for why I exist, why I feel the way I do, and provides a meaningful reason for my existence.

If we assume God created everything and is the foundation and giver of all reality and life. We can “assume” 4 things.
  1. God is the reason for everything/God is the first cause, and therefore God is “existence”. God is existence, so far as we can say that God is the being through which other entities can begin to exist. God is the root of all being, including the universe; which began to exist.
  2. Something must have always existed in order for there to be anything in existence at all. God has always existed and continues to exist, since things exist because of God.
  3. God needs nothing, since God is the giver of all things—not the recipient.
  4. God is the highest power, as in God has all the power; he is the root of all power because he is the root of all things, and therefore in this sense, God is all powerful.
From this point, we can at least say that God is “one”, so far as being the root cause; God is one, at least in the nature of being God, if not in person. Already, this is starting to look like the monotheistic God that is known by Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Then we must ask, why would “Existence”, or “God” bother to bring anything “into existence”? Since, if we accept premise 3, we must accept that God needs nothing. If we accept that premise, then we can rule out any behaviour which would mean God needing or lacking something.

If we assume the very least; if such a being does exist, then a willful act, such as creation, would in fact be an act of sharing. Existence/God, is sharing itself with us. This is an act of love, since love is selfless.

Secondly, it would not do to say that love exists apart from Gods nature, since nothing is above God. God, by my definition, is the root or reason for anything and everything; at least in my eyes, that’s the only God worth worshiping. Love cannot be merely a creation of God either, since love is the only rational reason for sharing ones existence if it is in fact true that one does not require anything nor need anything from the existence of other entities. Given these two problems, we have to accept that “love” is indistinguishable from Gods will, and therefore is indistinguishable from Gods nature. If Gods nature is love, then God is the highest good, since love is the opposite of selfishness and therefore promotes the well-being of life; which is by definition Good. If you perceive perfection as the highest Good, then God is Perfect in this sense.


From this point onward, I end up with a God who looks a lot like the God that is understood by Christians. However, the Christian God of revelation is seen as 3 persons.

At first this was a stumbling block for me, for if you believe in a God that is one; it is hard to see why one should accept that God is three persons.

One thing we must accept is that God is the first cause, and is “one nature” so far as God is the reason behind everything. In this sense, it’s not necessary to reduce Gods “personhood” to one person, since we can describe God as one will and nature. But there has to be a good reason to suppose that God is three persons. It would seem that revelation is the only reason to think that God is 3 persons. However, if we accept that Gods nature is love, and then take into account that love is something that is shared between multiplicities of persons, then it’s not a far cry to suppose that God is more then one person.

You could object and say that God does not have to be 3 persons, since God shares with its creation, but that would mean that God would “need” creations such as me and you, in order to be “complete”, which would mean that God is incomplete in someway. And thus, I find my self drawn—inescapably—to the conclusion that God is one in “nature”, but is at the same time a “multiplicity of persons”; since that is the only way God can be “Love” by nature(I use the word “it”, for lack of a better word), and share its existence without a “need”. This way, God is complete, since God is content with his own nature. This is why I do not accept theories such as the idea that the universe exists for its own sake, and that we are just along for the ride. I believe that the universe exists for the sake of those who inhabit it. God expresses himself, not because of a need, but because it is his nature to share himself. God is love. In Christian revelation, God is 3. That is the only mystery in my eyes, since why not 5, 10 or a million? It is from this point that we must take the Trinity on faith.

At last I arrive at a description that is very similar to the Christian revelation, but is there any reason to suppose that God is good and that God is a person in the first place?

I know of two things.
  1. I have a guilty conscience. I have the capacity to know right from wrong. If there is such a thing as right or wrong behaviour, this presupposes that there is a way that things “ought to be”. In other words, there is a plan; a plan presupposes a will or intelligence, and both presuppose a person.
People try to explain this away through evolution, but evolution is merely a blind process through which predefined qualities arise. In other words, the qualities that come out of nature, such as self-awareness and love, are determined by the root cause of nature. You cannot have a chocolate cake, unless the ingredients exist in some shape or form before the cake is made. Therefore it was always true that self-awareness would eventually become actualised given the right conditions. Therefore evolution is not the root cause or reason for why there is such a thing as a guilty conscience. Arguments such as, “A guilty conscience benefits our survival, and therefore that is why it exists”, are fallacious interpretations of Darwin’s theory of evolution.
  1. I sense that evil exists. It doesn’t just exist in my imagination; it exists outside of it. If there is such a thing as evil, then there is such a thing an objective good. Since evil does not exist independently of opposing the greater good, I can only suppose that such a thing exists. Otherwise I must suppose that it does not exist. But this does not explain my sense of evil and moral law.
Some people reject this by saying that morality is a manifestation of culture and is purely a subjective phenomenon. They support their claim by pointing out that people have different views of what good is. However, this does not do away with the fact that we all agree that there is such a thing as honour, morality, family values, dignity, and human value, even if we have different concepts about what they mean or who they apply to. We have differences of opinion, but we all agree that we are disagreeing about something that is real; not just something we made up in our heads. So in this respect, there is the supporting view that we merely disagree and have flawed perceptions about morality; which is what I would expect given the fact that the human-race is imperfect.

Given these factors, I personally feel comfortable with the Christian revelation of God. I accept Christianity because it gives me the best explanation for my existence, and fulfills my existence in heaven/eternal life.
Yes: For the faith, but the denial is irrational.
Please restate.Your statement makes no sense to me.
You’re turning my words arround.
First of all I’ve said that I’m NOT speaking about the existence of God. The existence of God is a NATURAL truth and doesn’t need any miracle. It’s a morally meritory act to recognize that God exists. Because you have to change your life with this truth. But it’s NO supernatural truth. As you say correctly: It’s a benefit to believe in God and have a sense for your life. So there is no conflict in you intellegence, when you recognize that God exists. Human is capable to find by NATURAL will and intelligence that God exists. It’s NO supernatural truth.
What is a natural truth? What is a morally meritory act? I deny that anyone has to change their life because they BELIEVE God exists. Many do, in fact its probably a good thing but you have stated no proof that they must. What kind of truth is it if not supernatural? If God is proven, then everyone would believe in Him correct? You have not proven your premise even a little. Saying it again is not proof.
But the faith that Jesus is the Son of God incarnated by the Virgin Mary IS a supernatural truth.
This truth IS a problem for natural intelligence. It hurts to the natural intelligence because this truth can NOT fully be understood by natural intelligence. Natural intelligence fights against that truth because it is supernatural and natural intelligence can’t hold that.
I did never say that miracles are generally against intelligence. That’s not true. You are right!!! It’s the inverse: The existence of miracles is rational.
You have not proven that God is a natural truth whatever that means to you. Both are supernatural beliefs. That is why it is faith. You have offered nothing to support your premise that natural intelligence fights against supernatural truth. I never meant you to understand that miracles are against intelligence. That is obviously not the case. Miracles are unexplained phenomenon period. Believers assign a God as the causation, non-believers simply acknowlege that the answer is not yet known.
But the intelligence fights against those special miracles because they come in a double package. They are not only miracles to enjoy you, but they are miracle that prove supernatural truth that are difficult for natural intelligence. But the natural intelligence fights against the higher supernatural truth. And this reality is the reason why this intelligence fights even against the miracles that are fully naturally proven. The proves of the miracles are not out of the capacities of natural intelligence. But because they come as prove of supernatural truth the natural intelligence fights even against those truth. Because when you accept the natural truth of the miracles you have to accept the supernatural truth that they confirm.
Where are you getting these ideas from? a double package? special miracles? What again is a natural truth? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
Please restate.Your statement makes no sense to me.
But its only a logically consequence of what I’m saying:
You can prove that God exists. So with intelligence you should accept is. If you don’t it is not by intelligence, but by bad will, irrationality.
What is a natural truth? What is a morally meritory act? I deny that anyone has to change their life because they BELIEVE God exists. Many do, in fact its probably a good thing but you have stated no proof that they must. What kind of truth is it if not supernatural? If God is proven, then everyone would believe in Him correct? You have not proven your premise even a little. Saying it again is not proof.
I don’t prove here the existence of God. I don’t want to deviate this thread. To prove God I use the 5 proves of Holy Thomas of Aquinas. If you understand metaphysics you know their power.

A natural truth is every fact of nature (e.g. that a tree is a plant.) And every logically consequence. Also intellectual realities are part of natural truths (e.g.: Everything needs a sufficient cause.)

The fact that God exists is such a truth. Only rude people believe that, intelligent people know it. (Holy Thomas of Aquinas, Holy Pope Pius X.)

Moraly meritory is every physically good action out of an ordered reason and will.
(E.g. If you give to eat to a poor. Or if you fullfill your duty during your work.)

You can’t “Prove God” God is greater than everything. To prove you have to start from premises that are at least as big. You can only prove that God exists.

Not everyone accepts that God exists, because this is no mathematical truth. You have to change your life (e.g. You can’t do adulter, muderer, lies anymore… You have to do religious acts …). This is on the side of WILL. People that refuse the existence of God after they have understood the metaphysical proof don’t do it because of intelligence, but because of bad will. They don’t want to follow God. This bad will influences on the knowledge.

Only in this sense (implication of will) the existence of God is different from a mathematical truth. But as logical consequence of presmises. The proof of God has the same strength as a mathematical proof.
You have not proven that God is a natural truth whatever that means to you. Both are supernatural beliefs. That is why it is faith. You have offered nothing to support your premise that natural intelligence fights against supernatural truth. I never meant you to understand that miracles are against intelligence. That is obviously not the case. Miracles are unexplained phenomenon period. Believers assign a God as the causation, non-believers simply acknowlege that the answer is not yet known.
I haven’t and I don’t do it here. But this is my position. The existence of God is no supernatural truth. It’s evident that supernatural truth fights against intelligence, because else it wouldn’t be supernatural. The intelligence want’s to proof everything. But intelligence can only proof the reason why you have to believe not the content you believe. And this is the reason why people don’t even accept the natural proof of the necessity to believe, because they don’t want to follow the consequence: Which is to accept the supernatural truth. This is because intelligence don’t want things that are greater than what it can proof.
Where are you getting these ideas from? a double package? special miracles? What again is a natural truth? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
I’ve studied classical and modern theology
But its only a logically consequence of what I’m saying:
You can prove that God exists. So with intelligence you should accept is. If you don’t it is not by intelligence, but by bad will, irrationality.

I don’t prove here the existence of God. I don’t want to deviate this thread. To prove God I use the 5 proves of Holy Thomas of Aquinas. If you understand metaphysics you know their power.

A natural truth is every fact of nature (e.g. that a tree is a plant.) And every logically consequence. Also intellectual realities are part of natural truths (e.g.: Everything needs a sufficient cause.)

The fact that God exists is such a truth. Only rude people believe that, intelligent people know it. (Holy Thomas of Aquinas, Holy Pope Pius X.)

Moraly meritory is every physically good action out of an ordered reason and will.
(E.g. If you give to eat to a poor. Or if you fullfill your duty during your work.)

You can’t “Prove God” God is greater than everything. To prove you have to start from premises that are at least as big. You can only prove that God exists.

Not everyone accepts that God exists, because this is no mathematical truth. You have to change your life (e.g. You can’t do adulter, muderer, lies anymore… You have to do religious acts …). This is on the side of WILL. People that refuse the existence of God after they have understood the metaphysical proof don’t do it because of intelligence, but because of bad will. They don’t want to follow God. This bad will influences on the knowledge.

Only in this sense (implication of will) the existence of God is different from a mathematical truth. But as logical consequence of presmises. The proof of God has the same strength as a mathematical proof.

I haven’t and I don’t do it here. But this is my position. The existence of God is no supernatural truth. It’s evident that supernatural truth fights against intelligence, because else it wouldn’t be supernatural. The intelligence want’s to proof everything. But intelligence can only proof the reason why you have to believe not the content you believe. And this is the reason why people don’t even accept the natural proof of the necessity to believe, because they don’t want to follow the consequence: Which is to accept the supernatural truth. This is because intelligence don’t want things that are greater than what it can proof.

I’ve studied classical and modern theology
Interestingly…St Thomas Aquinas never set out to prove through reason, that God exists…all he did was to disprove all the objections to God’s existence through reason. He knew that reason alone is insufficient to prove that God exists. But he did disproved all the objections which were raised…through reason.
Please resist the temptation to discuss the existence of God when the OP wants to discuss which relgion has the true God (I hope I am stating his intent correctly). I don’t want to have to close the thread for going off topic. There are plenty of threads about the existence of God. Please take any such discussion to one of those. Thank you all.

Have you ever read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis? If not, I suggest you do so. He presents an excellent case as to why the Christian God is the true God.

You can get a free MP3 download of it here.
Of all the religions in the world, only one is based on history - that is the Judeo-Christian religion. The other religions are based on pure speculation. Confucious or Buddha can speculate all they want. There is no way to falsify their claims because it built soley on specualtion.

Not so with Judaism and Christianity. They are both based on historical events. Judaism is based on God actually delivering His people on of Egypt to make them His chosen People. As a Christian, I believe this event and all the other events from which Judaism is built. But it does not go far enough. Christianity is also based on historical events - namely the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since these are historical events we can apply criteria that we usually apply to these histotical events. When we do that we can realitistical come to the conclusion that Jesus rose from the dead. Any objection this can be answered. We have eyewitnesses to the resurrected Christ - the apostles. All but one of the apostles were martyred. It is hard to believe th at these apostles were willing to die for a lie. Neither is it possible that this could merely be a legend. Even the most liberal Bible scholars would say that all four gospels were written within a generation of the time Jesus lived on earth. That is not enough time for a legend to develop.

Not only that, but there is a problem with the missing body. When the apostles started to preach the bodily resurrection Christ, all the enemies of Christ had to do was to produce the body of Jesus. By them not doing so, that could only explained by the body being missing.

But even if the resurrection of Christ could be explained away (which no one has yet been able to do) there are other miraculous events that have happened that not only validate Christianity, but Catholicsm as well. There is the Shroud of Turin - a neatrive image of a crucified corpse on a burial shroud. Time and space does not allow me to go into detail, but I encourage everyone to investigate this. Then there is the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to Juan Diego 500 years agao and leaving her image on his pancho. Scientists have studied this pancho, which is still miraculously preserved and have no natural explanation for it. Then there is the Blessed Virgin appearing to Bernadette in the 1800’s and telling her to dig in the ground. From there a spring developed, and is now a huge body of water. There have been thousantsds of miraculous healings, with at least 70 that defy a
ny natural explanation. Then there was the Blessed Virgin appearinrg to the children. Our Lady gave proof of her visitation, the sun danced in the sky. 70,000 people there saw this happening. It was even reported in the newspapers! Not only that, but Mary predicted that Russia would spread its error throughout the worls, and this would not stop until the pope consecrated Russia to her immacualate heart. Pope John Paul II did this, and by the next year the Soviet Union was disolved.

Christianity is based on historical events. That is how we know that the God of the universe is our God.
Of all the religions in the world, only one is based on history - that is the Judeo-Christian religion. The other religions are based on pure speculation. Confucious or Buddha can speculate all they want. There is no way to falsify their claims because it built soley on specualtion.

Not so with Judaism and Christianity. They are both based on historical events. Judaism is based on God actually delivering His people on of Egypt to make them His chosen People. As a Christian, I believe this event and all the other events from which Judaism is built. But it does not go far enough. Christianity is also based on historical events - namely the historical death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since these are historical events we can apply criteria that we usually apply to these histotical events. When we do that we can realitistical come to the conclusion that Jesus rose from the dead. Any objection this can be answered. We have eyewitnesses to the resurrected Christ - the apostles. All but one of the apostles were martyred. It is hard to believe th at these apostles were willing to die for a lie. Neither is it possible that this could merely be a legend. Even the most liberal Bible scholars would say that all four gospels were written within a generation of the time Jesus lived on earth. That is not enough time for a legend to develop.

Not only that, but there is a problem with the missing body. When the apostles started to preach the bodily resurrection Christ, all the enemies of Christ had to do was to produce the body of Jesus. By them not doing so, that could only explained by the body being missing.

But even if the resurrection of Christ could be explained away (which no one has yet been able to do) there are other miraculous events that have happened that not only validate Christianity, but Catholicsm as well. There is the Shroud of Turin - a neatrive image of a crucified corpse on a burial shroud. Time and space does not allow me to go into detail, but I encourage everyone to investigate this. Then there is the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to Juan Diego 500 years agao and leaving her image on his pancho. Scientists have studied this pancho, which is still miraculously preserved and have no natural explanation for it. Then there is the Blessed Virgin appearing to Bernadette in the 1800’s and telling her to dig in the ground. From there a spring developed, and is now a huge body of water. There have been thousantsds of miraculous healings, with at least 70 that defy a
ny natural explanation. Then there was the Blessed Virgin appearinrg to the children. Our Lady gave proof of her visitation, the sun danced in the sky. 70,000 people there saw this happening. It was even reported in the newspapers! Not only that, but Mary predicted that Russia would spread its error throughout the worls, and this would not stop until the pope consecrated Russia to her immacualate heart. Pope John Paul II did this, and by the next year the Soviet Union was disolved.

Christianity is based on historical events. That is how we know that the God of the universe is our God.
I’m going to play devil’s advocate with you here. While there is some historical proof that a man named Jesus lived in the appropriate time and place, there is none (other than scripture, which is inherently biased because it was written by people who accept this premise) that gives details about him rising from the dead, ascending into heaven, etc. As for the issue of the missing body, we don’t even know where the apostles are buried (nor most folks who lived that long ago and who were, politically speaking, not very important), so this is a non issue. As for the “miracles” there are many sypernatural happenings, including healings, that defy scientists and not all are connected with Christianity, so that doesn’t hold up either. Ditto apparitions. I don’t believe in the whole Satanic thing but if I did I’d suggest that it could be a Satanic trick of some kind.

Let me give you a bit of personal info - until very, very recently it never occurred to me that Jesus was not the son of God. I do believe he was divine but I don’t quite interpret his teachings in the mainstream Christian way. My point being that I am not anti-Jesus and I’m not trying to disprove his divinity - I’m simply saying that these arguments wouldn’t wash with a non-Christian and why. 🤷
While there is some historical proof that a man named Jesus lived in the appropriate time and place, there is none (other than scripture, which is inherently biased because it was written by people who accept this premise) that gives details about him rising from the dead, ascending into heaven, etc.
There is also the early church fathers, which affirm that the apostles did teach that Jesus produced miracles, died, and rose from the dead. Some of the ECF were direct disciples of the apostles, so they should know what the apostles actually taught.

Then there a some non -Christian sources - Pliny the Younger, Tatian, Josephus, and the Talmud. The Talmud does not deny that the man Jesus was able to do extraordinary things, but the they attrbuted it to him being of the devil. But it is interesting that the Talmud does not deny that Jesus did these things.

Naturally, we would not expect the **non-Christians **to write that Jesus actually did rise from dead. If the non-Christian sources did believe that Jesus did rise from the dead, then they would be Christian sources. But what this shows is that even early non-Christian sources attest to the fact that very early in the Church these things about Jesus were believed, not enough for a legend to develop. So if not a legend, then either the apostles were lying or telling the truth. But since most of the apostles were martyrs, it is hard to believe that they would die for a deliberate lie.

True, most of the sources for Jesus are in the scriptures. But you must understand that scriptures were not written my one man or even a group of men gathered in one room. These New Testament documents were written independently of each other for the most part, scattered throughout the Roman empire. They were not collected and canonized at 397 AD. Naturally, the Church would only canonize the documents that were written in the first century by those who believed in Jesus.

So the point is that even if one does not believe that they are God-inspired scripture, they are still reliable historical sources. They were written very close to the time of the events, within the first century. Contrast that with Julius Caesar, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and the earliest sources we have of them, about one thousand years after the fact. And no one questions what these sources say about Julius Caesar, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
As for the issue of the missing body, we don’t even know where the apostles are buried (nor most folks who lived that long ago and who were, politically speaking, not very important), so this is a non issue.
First of all, we have at least the bones of Peter that I know of. Read The Bones of St Peter by John Walsh.

But besides that, you are missing my point, entirely. It is clear from the persecutions of Christians and the conflicts Jesus had with Jewish leaders (not to mention that he was crucified!) that Jesus had a lot of enemies. So maybe up in Rome, Jesus was not very important when He was crucified. But in Jerusalem, Jesus was VERY imporatant to His enemies. If He was not important they would not have crucified Him. So why did His enemies not produce the body in order to kill the Christian movement before it even started?
As for the “miracles” there are many sypernatural happenings, including healings, that defy scientists and not all are connected with Christianity, so that doesn’t hold up either. Ditto apparitions.
I am not sure what you are talking about, but even if there are non-Christian supernatural happenings, I do not think I would doubt the existence of them. As a Catholic, I believe there can be some truth in other religions, and I would not deny that God could reach out to other people of other religions. But then again, it could be from Satan. I guess I need to know what particular occurrence you are talking about to determine whether I thought it was from God or the Devil.

But even if it is of God, this does not prove anything except that God in His mercy could be reaching to people in other religions. This does not negate the evidence of the Marian apparitions. That is like trying to negate evidence against a man killing his wife by saying that they there are other men who killed their wives.
I don’t believe in the whole Satanic thing but if I did I’d suggest that it could be a Satanic trick of some kind.
Even if it was Satan, this still would prove something, it would prove the existence of the supernatural realm.

So lets say, for the sake of argument, that the anti-Catholic Protestants are right, that all the Marian apparitions (there are over 3,000 of them, I believe) are of the Devil. I doubt that there is another religion with with so many apparitions and so strong an evidence for them. So the question is this: why would Satan concentrate so much effort to deceving Christians unless he knows that Christianity is true? So even if this would probably invalidate Catholicsm, this would still validate the overall truthfullness of Christianity!

But, of course, since I am Catholic, I do believe that these Marian apparitions are from God and not from the Devil. I believe this because of Jesus’s response to His enemies, when they accused Him of being able to do miracles because of the Devil. Jesus argued back that Satan would not cast out Satan. Jesus was doing so much good, why would Satan want to do that?

In the same way, when I look at the apparitions of Mary, I also take notice what message she is is giving. Most of her message is that we need to pray more, we need to love more, we need to repent of sin, we need to trust God more, etc. All these things are something that most Protestants would agree. So why would Satan say these things? Would that not be counterproductive?

Or take the apparition of Our Lady Guadalupe in Mexico, where her image was miraculously placed on a tilma 500 years ago. Millions the Mexican natives came to see the tilma and were converted. This eventually wiped out the Aztec religion. Now why would Satan want to do that? The Aztecs were worshipping the Serpent God, and were performing 1,000 human sacrifices a day. Why would Satan want them to convert from that? Only the harshest anti-Catholic would believe that Satan would rather them be Catholic than to be human-sacrificing pagans!

I recall reading the Screwtape letters by CS Lewis. I agree with Lewis that Satan would prefer people not to believe in his existence. If people realized that the Devil existed, then they may then realize that God too must exist. The Devil would rather work covertly. So why would Satan expose himself through these Marian apparition? Take Fatima, for instance. Over 70,000 people saw the sun dance in the sky. Some of these people were hard-core atheists, since the Communist government at that time was atheistic. So why would Satan produce such a miracle that so many people would believe or be strengthened in their faith against the pressures from their atheistic government? It simply does not make sense.

Too much good has happened from these Marian apparitions, and too much of the message is undebatably good. Why would Satan work against himself?
I’m simply saying that these arguments wouldn’t wash with a non-Christian and why.
I admit that most non-Christians would not be converted by these arguments, but that says nothing about the validity of the arguments. Some of it is a moral problem, some people simply do want to believe because it means they would have to change their lives. Some of it is an intellectual problem, they have deeply ingained pressuposition that they may be unaware of that prevent them from see the validity of these arguments.

But there have been intellectuals who have been convinced of these arguments, or arguments similar to these - GK Chesteron, Evelyn Waugh and CS Lewis to name a few.
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