Any household chores that I don’t get done by Saturday night (like yardwork, grocery shopping, or laundry) get put off until Monday.
We sleep in if we can, if the children aren’t up too early.
We do things as a family - a lot of time is spent sitting in the living room, just spending time together. Some are reading, some are on the floor playing games or cards, maybe a family movie if we can find one. Mostly though Sunday for us is simply about resting and spending time together as a family.
We don’t buy or sell on Sunday, so we don’t eat out or do online shopping, because we feel that is causing others to work on Sunday unnecessarily.
We as parents take turns taking a nap and the other stays up with the children.
We usually have a simple meal of biscuits or scrambled eggs for supper so that Mommy can get a rest from cooking.
I reflect on the gospel reading for that day. And I look around at my family and thank God for our life together.
I love Sundays!