Since the Solemnity of the Annunciation, this coming Saturday, is not just any day on the Church calendar, what plans does your parish have to make it special?
Does your Respect Life group do anything special to take advantage of the natural tie-in between the Conception of Jesus and the fight against abortion? (If not, how is it not be hypocritical and how can we expect to be taken seriously about our belief that life begins at conception when we don’t even celebrate the conception of the One Who gave us life/Life?)
Does your grade school do anything special to bring it home to your children that, for Jesus just as for us, life begins at conception and that that should be a very joyous occasion?
Does your parish still consider the Annunciation to be a Feast of Mary rather than a Feast of Jesus? Is Mary’s Fiat the entire subject of your homily rather than also focusing on the fulfillment of the world’s centuries of waiting for its Savior; Jesus’ obedience to the Father; the role of the Holy Spirit; the beginning of the Church in the Body of Jesus; the perfect quiet of the Feast with the unheard songs of the Angelic choirs; the joy of the Souls of the deceased, who have been waiting for so long, that the gates of heaven will soon be opened to them?
Do you have music (there is music specifically for the Feast and Christmas music is also appropriate) and flowers (especially those that, throughout the centuries, have been connected with Mary) and a procession (one model is for children to carry flowers to Mary’s altar)?
It will be interesting to see how different parishes/dioceses celebrate.
Even though it is no longer a Holy Day of Obligation, do you always want to go to Mass anyway, to welcome the Word-made-Flesh as He comes into the world?
Does your grade school do anything special to bring it home to your children that, for Jesus just as for us, life begins at conception and that that should be a very joyous occasion?
Does your parish still consider the Annunciation to be a Feast of Mary rather than a Feast of Jesus? Is Mary’s Fiat the entire subject of your homily rather than also focusing on the fulfillment of the world’s centuries of waiting for its Savior; Jesus’ obedience to the Father; the role of the Holy Spirit; the beginning of the Church in the Body of Jesus; the perfect quiet of the Feast with the unheard songs of the Angelic choirs; the joy of the Souls of the deceased, who have been waiting for so long, that the gates of heaven will soon be opened to them?
Do you have music (there is music specifically for the Feast and Christmas music is also appropriate) and flowers (especially those that, throughout the centuries, have been connected with Mary) and a procession (one model is for children to carry flowers to Mary’s altar)?
It will be interesting to see how different parishes/dioceses celebrate.