How do YOU pray the rosary?

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A while ago I started a similar poll. Then, I just prayed the Rosary once a week.

However, during Lenten seasons, I like to acquire a new pious habit. As a lapsed Catholic for many years, it was during Lent that we started praying before meals as a family since. This past Lent, I decided to start praying the Rosary daily. And blessed be God I have since.

I have a sketchy record though. Over a decade ago I’d pray what I thought was the Rosary (just the decades, without announcing the misteries). When I learned to pray it, I went astray. Coming back to the Church again, after praying daily for a while, I added a decade. Eventually, I figured that I should pray the Rosary properly, at least weekly, as I said above.

The Rosary is not more popular because many people see it just as a repetitive prayer. Its meditative aspects should be made explicit and emphasized so that others may find the beauty of getting closer to Jesus through His Mother, Our Mother Mary.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
I do four a day…every day. I say three with my mom and one with my husband. A family that prays together, stays together. I also have a HUGE stack of prayers and petitions to Saints Philomena, Francis, Teresa, Dymphna, and Joseph every night. Also, a few novenas to Philomena and Dymphna. I think that is it. I have a hard time refusing to add the novena’s and prayer cards that come thru the mail. I doesn’t feel right through them out, so they get added to the deck.
Where can I find more about these?
Here’s a link about the Franciscan Crown Rosary:

In the description at this link, the one thing I would disagree with is that the article there says to begin the rosary with the Apostle’s Creed, an Our Father, and three Hail Marys – but this is generally not done.

So the Franciscan Crown proceeds as follows:

Sign of the Cross

For each mystery (Joys of Mary): Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory Be (a Franciscan Crown Rosary has seven decades)

After the seven mysteries are completed:
two additional Hail Marys, to make a total of 72, in honor of the number of years Mary was with us on earth.
An Our Father and a Hail Mary for the intentions of the Pope.

Finish with another Sign of the Cross.

The seven Joys of Mary are:
  1. The Annunciation
  2. The Visitation
  3. The Nativity
  4. The Adoration of the Magi
  5. Finding Jesus in the Temple
  6. The Resurrection
  7. The Assumption and Coronation of Mary
These are the traditional Joys; there is also a set of modern Joys, but my Fraternity only uses the traditional ones. There is also a set of Seven Sorrows, which some people will use during Lent (but my Fraternity just uses the Joys).

Someone else had posted about the “Scriptural Rosary” – I believe this is a way of praying the Rosary where a quote from scripture proceeds every Hail Mary. There are a number of scriptural rosary books available (search on “Scriptural Rosary”); I find this a good way to keep focused on the meditations.

Hope that helps!
This may sound all together un Catholic, but one day I just started singing the rosary.

Hail Mary’s, Our Fathers, Glory Be’s all of it.

Then in the middle of prayer I would start worship and praise. For Example

"All glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…then something like… the Eternal God the Father, God the man who humbled himself to live amongst us, show us the way forgave us our sins and took the punishment that we all deserved for us that we may have eternal life in heaven with the triune God in the light of heaven with all the saints of his eternal church which is past present and future rolled into now that I have been given as a gift because of his love…I love you Jesus, I fall short of your commands please forgive me, I am sorry for nailing you to the cross…on and on. Then a few minutes later i sing the rest of the standard prayer.

A couple of times ago I started dancing to the Hail mary.

It is weird, unexplained but I love setting my spirit free in prayer and I love the experience.
I hope “through all the decades” means 5 and not 15 or 20 - since I voted the first one!

I pray one every day, and when possible, I go to church to do so. It’s much easier to focus and be mindful (although, it’s easy to get distracted there too!) I work just minutes from my church, so I can stop by before heading home.

I usually pray a rosary or the Divine Mercy chaplet before going to sleep and I try to stay awake - but I too have woken up to find the beads in my hands!

Try this link, it’ll walk you through the Rosary, and a little advice, just stick to 5 decades for now, and preferably on their designated days.
Otherwise you may not keep it up,
This is a wonderful site! I like the fact that it has the prayers in other languages. I will have to print out the ones I know a little of; I would like to learn them!!
I found the neatest way to pray the rosary. There is a two-volume CD set called “The Rosary with the Pope John Paul II.” It was made in 1994. It contains the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries. Maybe the Luminous Mysteries weren’t announced yet back then. The mysteries are spoken in English, but the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be are in Latin. After the Rosary, the people are singing a song in Latin, and you can hear Pope John Paul II singing along! I’m not sure who all sells this CD, but I recently found some copies at a secular bookstore. It is awesome!
I chose “Sundays, before or after Mass.” only because this is the “closest” to what I do.

I do 5 decades (full regular rosary) on Monday nights at my Young Adult group at Church.

But then Saturday Morning I go to a prayer vigil at an abortion mill and we actually pray all 20 decades with a hymn between each decade and then we say the divine mercy chaplet.

I also pray part of a rosary on occasion if I arive at daily mass early enough to catch the end of the morning rosary.

So on average I’d say I pray roughly 25+ decades which is roughly like praying 5 (regular rosaries).

Basically I just couldn’t pick any of those options. You should have put an “other” catagory.
I found the neatest way to pray the rosary. There is a two-volume CD set called “The Rosary with the Pope John Paul II.” It was made in 1994. It contains the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries. Maybe the Luminous Mysteries weren’t announced yet back then. The mysteries are spoken in English, but the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be are in Latin. After the Rosary, the people are singing a song in Latin, and you can hear Pope John Paul II singing along! I’m not sure who all sells this CD, but I recently found some copies at a secular bookstore. It is awesome!
I have this cd as well and I really love it. I find Pope John Paul II’s voice to be very soothing. I need to order a new copy though as I’ve lost the second cd.
Is that Rosary with Pope John Paul II CD the same as the one shown in this link?

I’m just wondering, because the one in the link does have the Luminous Mysteries. I have some nice Rosary tapes, but I can’t play them in the car I have now, so I’d like to get more CDs. I do have the following CD; it has nice meditations and music, and has all 20 mysteries:
No, that’s not the same at all. As far as I can tell, the one from Leaflet Missals contains excerpts of John Paul II speaking and some soundbites of him praying the rosary, but for the most part the decades of the rosary are said by other people. I think their description is highly misleading.

The Rosary CD that we are talking about features someone describing each mystery in English and then the Pope leads all of the prayers for every single decade in Latin, including singing the Salve Regina. If you look for “John Paul II Rosary” on Amazon you should find it pretty easily. I highly recommend it.
Where can I find more about these?
The scriptural rosary is the same rosary, just that before every hail mary, you read a passage of scripture relating to the mystery you are praying., it goes on a bead-by-bead basis, with the story of the mystery unfolding as you pray the hail marys. It is a great aid to meditation.
you can download a version of the scriptural rosary at i use the same version, but i have the actual book it comes from… sadly, it doesn’t have the luminous mysteries…
there is another version that i haven’t tried at give it a go!

If you google “Christianica”, you’ll find some sites that sell a Scriptural Rosary book. I don’t know if Christianica Center has its own web site; I got my copy of the book through mail order. They sent me a pamphlet including the Luminous Mysteries, when those were added, but there is a new edition of the book that has all 20 Mysteries.
wisdom 3:5:
I was told,can’t remember who, that if you fall asleep praying the rosary your guardian angel will finish it for you. I kinda like that.
My grandmother, a pious and wonderful lady, believes that Our Lady picks up where she leaves off if she falls asleep! :)
I pray it once a day, through one set of mysteries, occasionally two.

I am not Catholic but my husband and I are planning on starting RCIA in the fall and converting. However, two things that really drew me to the Catholic church were the Rosary which I have taught myself and the Saints. I just feel so close to the Saints, love to read about their lives and want to follow their examples and through praying the Rosary I feel that I have developed such a love for Mary! This is new to me as I was raised Protestant.

I’ve always had an interest in the Catholic church but the one thing that really got me moving in that direction was stopping for a bake sale/religious item sale at the local Catholic church one Saturday and the absolute friendliness and kindess of everyone there. It was wonderful!
Try this link, it’ll walk you through the Rosary, and a little advice, just stick to 5 decades for now, and preferably on their designated days.
Otherwise you may not keep it up,
Hey that’s how I learned! That’s a very helpful site.

I follow the suggested mysteries for each day. I sometimes also say the rosary along with the Nuns on EWTN. They usually have that on at 11am eastern and again at 9:30pm.

I never realized just how in-depth and deep saying the rosary was. I used to not know what it was at all.
a friend used to pray the rosary in the car when we drove, and for each mystery asked for a certain virtue, does anybody have a source for that list of virtues tied to each mystery?
I pray the Joyful, Sorrowful,Glorious and Luminous mysteries everyday no matter what… and then some, if needed.
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