How Do You Prefer to Read Books?

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I prefer paper books for all the reasons others have cited — the feel of them, the look of them, the naturalness that doesn’t come with words on a screen, et cetera. I also enjoy the look and feeling of walls covered in cases full of books — books that I have read and loved, books that I haven’t read but may do so some day (there are more of these than I care to admit), books on subjects dear to my heart, books on ideas foreign to me but with which some acquaintance seems prudent, and so on.

Lately I’ve come to think that I have all the books that I can store comfortably, and perhaps I might use an e-reader for books that I don’t intend to keep once I’ve read them, so that I may curb a tendency to clutter my home with books. I haven’t gotten around to getting one, though.
I’m using some e-books now because our local library system is only open virtually, but I kind of hate it. I can read news or short articles online with no problem, but if I’m reading something of substance I much prefer to hold a physical book in my hands.
We like reading books…we (wife & I) often go to Barnes & Noble for a coffee/cake and books…besides new books smell so good…
I like physical books best. They have an immediacy in their physicality. There is something about a screen which creates separation, or acts as a barrier from what I am trying to access-it almost turns the concrete into the abstract. It’s akin to visiting through glass.
I like to hold a book in my hands and feel its weight.
I’ll read a book online in a pinch (grabbing it from the Gutenberg project) but I have having to constantly press the arrow key to move on through a new series of lines. the act of reading becomes disjointed.
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Before I saw the poll, I was going to say that I prefer reading in bed.

Real books for me. I’ve always loved books.
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Only paper books for me. I’ll read an article or an excerpt from a book electronically, but that’s about all I can stand. Also, I like the sound that drumming my fingers on the cover of a hardbound book makes.
I enjoy the feel of reading a paperback book when reading for enjoyment; however, I do like the feature of being able to highlight, bookmark, and make notes on eBooks when reading something that might come in handy later.
Paper, then e-ink ereader (which reads like paper).

LCD tablets and computer screens are out completely. I cannot stand reading books on those types of screens.
E-Readers, but to be honest most of my “reading” comes from Audiobooks because I drive so much. I have over 500 on my Audible account!
I tend to like paper books better because they’re easier to fit in my hand. Moreover, paper books don’t cause irritation to my eyes if I look at them for a long time.
When I’ve finished reading a book I don’t intend to keep, I donate it to a thrift shop, or to a used bookstore. Some of these will only accept paperbacks, however. I did find one that takes either paper or hardcover.
Ebook for ease. I can make the font any size, my arthritic arms and hands do not hurt from holding a large or tightly bound book. I can carry a library in my pocket.
Did you know that some public libraries offer apps like Hoopla or Overdrive/Libby where you can borrow audio books from the comfort of your own sofa? Saves me SO MUCH money!
I prefer ebooks. I find it difficult to see and follow words on books. I still have some books but pretty much get the Kindle version when I buy a book now.

I was against e-readers for a long time, until I tried one. My first one was literally just a reader, no internet access. Of course many versions later I still use one. I still love books and have so many of them but I do not have space to keep them anymore. In my old house, which was literally an old house, I had built in bookcases and kept them filled with books. Downsizing took it’s toll.
I’m kind of “all of the above”. It depends where I’m at. In a chair, I love a physical book…at the park, my iPad and driving I use Audiobooks.

I’ve found that I’m reading more and more from my iPad and audiobooks because five of us are in my home…so, peace and quiet that go with a physical book is in scarce supply. Whenever I’m reading, I hate being interrupted, especially since I’ve gotten older and can’t multitask like I used to!
I love e-books for their convenience. I have enough physical books in the house that I don’t really want any more unless they are something that I would consider a collectable. There are a number of fiction book series that I have been trying to collect in e-book format.

That said, I like the fact that, when I’m reading a physical book, I have a sense of where I am relative to the start or end of the book that I don’t get from looking at the stats on an electronic book. If I want to go back and check something that I wouldn’t have known to bookmark when I first read it, I can just use my finger as a placeholder while I flip back to where I think I need to look.

My biggest complaint with e-books is that my county library dumped Overdrive for Cloud Reader so I can’t use my Kindle Paperwhite. I bought that Kindle so I wouldn’t have to use my phone, tablet, or laptop.
Even if you have a portable charger, the charger can go dead after a while.
Sort of like candles and battery powered lights?

I love the look, feel, and smell of paper and ink, and for reference materials it is easier for me to flip back and forth and find the right bit in a physical book. But there is something to be said for the ability to carry 200+ books in my shirt pocket wherever I go, and to be able to read a new book within seconds after purchasing it in the middle of the night without leaving the house.

ETA: My moderately snarky answer to the title question is “left to right, top to bottom”.
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