How do you think society would respond to automated roads?

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How do you think society would respond to automated roads?

I envision a future where cars are chipped so that when they drive on a particular road with a speed limit a signal is automatically sent to the car which automatically caps the speed of the car to the speed limit of the road.

The government working in unison with car manufacturing companies would justify this by saying that it would dramatically reduce car accidents and deaths by car accidents.

How do you think most people would feel about this. Do you think they would perceive it as an unwarranted restriction of their freedoms as drivers, or would they be wrong to feel this way?
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I envision a future where cars are chipped so that when they drive on a particular road with a speed limit a signal is automatically sent to the car which automatically caps the speed of the car to the speed limit of the road.
When someone hacks your system, and they will, it’ll cause many problems.
When someone hacks your system, and they will, it’ll cause many problems.
Couldn’t one get around that by having a closed system? I mean, someone could hack the traffic lights, but that would not be a good enough reason to not to have traffic lights.
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How would you ensure it’s closed? It would have to be guarded extremely carefully!

Sure you could hack traffic lights but I’ve seen them malfunctioning and everyone treats the intersection as an ALL WAY STOP. Honestly, you’d be better off installing a Governor onto every vehicle.

How would you ensure it’s closed? It would have to be guarded extremely carefully!

Sure you could hack traffic lights but I’ve seen them malfunctioning and everyone treats the intersection as an ALL WAY STOP. Honestly, you’d be better off installing a Governor onto every vehicle.
While i do agree that the security of such a system would have to be locked down tight, I think that, if it worked, automated roads would greatly reduce car accidents, whereas governors on every vehicle wouldn’t so much.

Besides the security aspect, do you see any other reason why people would not like this system?
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I wouldn’t like it one bit, for the same reason I dislike self driving cars: mechanical breakdowns and malfunctions that could cause accidents or death.

People need to stop being so lazy about driving or just call for a taxi.
I don’t want a driverless semi-truck pulling along side of me. I also prefer my airplane, ferry, and train to have a real human in charge.
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I wouldn’t like it one bit, for the same reason I dislike self driving cars: mechanical breakdowns and malfunctions that could cause accidents or death.
I think self-driving cars is the future as well. It would seem making as many things automated as possible is the future. Most people trust technology. And i imagine some will argue that while automated vehicles and automated roads could never be fault proof, when compared to human error the chances of death or crashes are dramatically reduced and thus the good would outweigh the possible negatives.
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And i imagine some will argue that while automated vehicles and automated roads could never be fault proof, when compared to human error the chances of death or crashes are dramatically reduced and thus the good would outweigh the possible negatives.
Imagine all you want, but you have no data to back up your claims of the good outweighing the bad. And it would cost a lot of money to bring your plan to fruition.

People do not have that kind of money. The government does not have that kind of money.
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Why? Computers process information a lot faster than we can. A computer has faster response times. And a computer will never decide to have a heart attack, or a joyride and run a train of the tracks like one person did a while back.
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Yeah, ok. Whatever.

What they project, and what will actually happen are two different things. And since it won’t happen til mid century, I will probably be dead by then so… Not my problem.
And since it won’t happen til mid century, I will probably be dead by then so… Not my problem.
Not if they have developed life extension pills. I have also been given a warrant by the government to have you restrained if you refused to take them.

In fact a bill will be written up saying that not taking them would be the same as euthanasia. So there is no escaping irishmom. I’m sorry, this is the future.
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Why? Computers process information a lot faster than we can. A computer has faster response times. And a computer will never decide to have a heart attack, or a joyride and run a train of the tracks like one person did a while back.
somebody seeking a joy ride, will find a joy ride.

I don’t see this miraculously reducing congestion.
Okay, everyone have it your way. Instead of roads lets just have conveyor belts that moves people around the city, and they can push a button when it’s their stop.
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