Our LORD, ‘I AM’, works all in all. However, everything he knows is always as he knows it - out of nothing it is.
One way around that, and we know he “found a way around it”, since there are indeed temporal actualities that come and are gone.
Our LORD only knows himself eternally known and eternally being.
For all “other” being, such as ourselves, our LORD knows (and therefore) operates in a “co-operational” way with contingent beings. While He is the Final and Principle Cause, he always knows his work, his creatures, in union with the causal intent of some contingent proximate causal agent, such as we can be.
Thus, for example, if our God were the single cause of something like our delivery from Pharaoh in Egypt, we would eternally be trekking across the dry Red Sea; however, an Angel of our LORD came to call Moses; He told Moses for the LORD, “I have seen the affliction my people suffering, and heard their cries. Go, Moses, and tell Pharaoh to Let my People Go.”
What is now present is a contingent person named Moses, knowing in unison with the LORD, whose name is ‘I AM’, that when he goes 10 times to Pharaoh to demand release, then the people will be released.
In God’s eternal, timeless, knowing he knows this: “I know my child Jacob coming out of Egypt by my causation in union with my Servant Moses knowing himself speaking my command to Pharaoh.”
Well, Moses only knew this after the burning bush incident. And the Angel who told Moses only knew to tell him on the day Moses contingently would pass by to be in sight of the bush, etc.
By CO-OPERATION in the Grace of God, which we Catholics are well versed in, we can participate in the timeless work of God being effected in time without loss of our LORD’s eternal nature nor loss of our free will wherein we delight to work with him moment by moment temporally yet forever.
Anyway, re-look at our Scriptures and take note that all of “God’s temporal works” come to pass in union with the knowing of some temporal creature, even a donkey belonging to Balaam. And His will was done temporally in this way of joint knowing of the creature knowing a place of knowing in the mind of God.
John Martin