In proving the existence of God, Thomas Aquinas teaches that the way of motion is the most manifest way by which the existence of God may be proven and he points to Aristotle as his authority, because this is the way that Aristotle proved the existence of God.
So, it is only natural to ask how exactly God does move the world? Surely, God is not directly pushing everything around as a man would be pushing a rock, causing it to move? For Thomas tells us God does not deprive natural things of their natural causality. So how does God move things. which Thomas tells us move themselves and also move other things? It seems like a contradiction. But Thomas also tells us that God uses creatures as instrumental causes of motion/change. Thus God is the Prime Mover, creatures are secondary or instrumental causes. So, how does this work?
First of all God creates all creatures, everything that exists, that ever existed, or which will exist, both the material creatures, animate and inanimate, and the spiritual. This itself is a movement, a movement from a potentially existing world and an actually existing world. But it is a movement without change, it is a creation. And when God creates them he gives them a nature through which creatures move both themselves and other creatures. both to their natural and their supernatual ends. In other words God has a plan which we call his Providence and he has designed the nature of creatures to carry out this plan. So God moves his creatures, first by creating them, and, secondly, by giving them the power to move both themselves and others.
What about the heavenly bodies or the natural forces of the universe, the weather systems, the echo systems? The answer is the same. Either they move themselves according to God’s Providential Plan or they are moved by angels. If not that, then they are moved directly by God. Book 3, Part 1, of the Summa Contra Gentiles, chapters 16 - 25 explains the various ways God moves creatures to their proper end.
And even if a creature is not moving, it is being sustained in existnece directly by God. And this in itself is a kind of movement. For God is acting directly on every creature, sustaining it in existence, causing it ’ to be, ’ and the creature is exercising its act of existence. and to act is type of motion.
And these are the ways God moves the world.
So, it is only natural to ask how exactly God does move the world? Surely, God is not directly pushing everything around as a man would be pushing a rock, causing it to move? For Thomas tells us God does not deprive natural things of their natural causality. So how does God move things. which Thomas tells us move themselves and also move other things? It seems like a contradiction. But Thomas also tells us that God uses creatures as instrumental causes of motion/change. Thus God is the Prime Mover, creatures are secondary or instrumental causes. So, how does this work?
First of all God creates all creatures, everything that exists, that ever existed, or which will exist, both the material creatures, animate and inanimate, and the spiritual. This itself is a movement, a movement from a potentially existing world and an actually existing world. But it is a movement without change, it is a creation. And when God creates them he gives them a nature through which creatures move both themselves and other creatures. both to their natural and their supernatual ends. In other words God has a plan which we call his Providence and he has designed the nature of creatures to carry out this plan. So God moves his creatures, first by creating them, and, secondly, by giving them the power to move both themselves and others.
What about the heavenly bodies or the natural forces of the universe, the weather systems, the echo systems? The answer is the same. Either they move themselves according to God’s Providential Plan or they are moved by angels. If not that, then they are moved directly by God. Book 3, Part 1, of the Summa Contra Gentiles, chapters 16 - 25 explains the various ways God moves creatures to their proper end.
And even if a creature is not moving, it is being sustained in existnece directly by God. And this in itself is a kind of movement. For God is acting directly on every creature, sustaining it in existence, causing it ’ to be, ’ and the creature is exercising its act of existence. and to act is type of motion.
And these are the ways God moves the world.