Yes! It is this belief that “God created the laws of the Universe”, and that these laws are rational and consistent, that have been one of Christianity’s greatest contributions to science! Christian Cosmology means that Man can use his own curiosity and intellect to discover and use these laws.I would say that God moves not only the world but everything in the universe by the applications of scientific laws which are also part of God’s creation.
As far as proving the existence of God in answering how God moves the world, I believe is an exercise in futility since I believe that only God can “prove” that God Is.
In Islamic cosmology, everything is due to the direct action and will of Allah. When you drop an object, it is not falling because it is reacting to a force (gravity) that is acting on it in predictable ways. It is falling because Allah has willed that it should move in this way at this time. We don’t know WHY Allah is willing this at this time, and we cannot claim to know the will of Allah by stating that the next time you drop the ball it will move in the same way.
In this view, there can be no miracles. Miracles are when there has been a suspension or modification of the laws of nature that G_D created, i.e., the object falls sideways, thereby missing the baby crawling at your feet.