How does the church explain dinosaurs?

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It sounds silly just typing this, talking about dinosaurs seems like such a silly thing to do, but this is a serious question. How does the church explain dinosaurs, or really ANYTHING that we know existed before humans did? How does creationism hold up to everything we know today? I’ve heard that many people swear to the Liviathan in the book of Job being a Dinosaur, and I’m willing to give them that. But then we have a lot of things such as Human’s tailbone, which we expect to be from monkeys. We know of mulitiple human-like species, such as homo erectus and Neanderthals. How is any of this explained?
Well, for starters, the Catholic Church doesn’t teach a strict creationism that makes the existence of dinosaurs a problem.

The Catholic Church has officially taught, going back to at least the 1950s, that there is no conflict between the faith and modern scientific theories regarding biological evolution. There’s nothing to explain… unless you’re one of the many CAFers who spend too much time reading Evangelical pseudo-science.
Why would the church need to explain dinosaurs?

The scriptures and the church are here for the salvation of the world. Is that not a big enough task?
The Catholic Church has officially taught, going back to at least the 1950s, that there is no conflict between the faith and modern scientific theories regarding biological evolution
But there is conflict.
There isn’t conflict as long as you accept that Adam & Eve were the first Homo Sapien Sapiens
Why would the church need to explain dinosaurs?

The scriptures and the church are here for the salvation of the world. Is that not a big enough task?
When I say church, I mean what is the standard explanation for them.
But there is conflict.
An acorn, a small tree, and a full grown oak all look very different. The only thing necessary is the passage of time.
There is a genetic code ingrained within the nucleus right from the beginning, that is incredible, designed by the Engineer of the universe.
If we seem to think there’s some kind of conflict, it’s because we are too small to contain the immensity of the universe. Not surprising really.
Show me where God created monkeys turning into humans rather than God making humans as we are.
Ok, but that is NOT what atheistic evolution teaches. Nor is that what intelligent design (which the type of evolution the Church allows) teaches.

Humans did not come from monkeys. Atheistic evolution teaches that monkeys and humans evolved from a similar primate, but humans didn’t come from modern monkeys.
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Genesis 1:27 God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.
You’re trying to read the Bible like a scientific textbook. It’s not one. The Bible is about God’s relationship with humanity, and our salvation.

Whether God created us in the blink of an eye, or created us by shaping the development of species over billions of years, the point is that He created us, that’s all that’s important.
Unless He created us by shaping the developmnent of species over time.

Either way, God is sovereign and is responsible for our creation.

Are you aware that, in the original Hebrew, Genesis’s opening chapters a a poem? It’s historical allegory, not necessarily literal history.
How does the church explain dinosaurs, or really ANYTHING that we know existed before humans did?
It’s explained by the fact that they existed before humans did. It’s not a problem. The Bible is not a science textbook, but even there, we’re told that a lot of creatures were here before us.
Except that God doesn’t look like anything. He has no physical form. He couldn’t have created us in His physical Image because He does not have an inherent physical image.

He created us in His spiritual image, as rational, intelligent beings. That doesn’t demand immediate, unchanging, creation.
Why would the church need to explain dinosaurs?

The scriptures and the church are here for the salvation of the world. Is that not a big enough task?
When I say church, I mean what is the standard explanation for them.
Dinosaurs were created on the 5th or 6th day along with Adam & Eve.

Nothing scandalous here.

The Church does NOT teach that the the six days of creation were 24 hour periods. The Church teaches that Genesis teaches us historical truths using figurative language.

Personally, I argue that we are still living in the 7th Day. Or perhaps it’s 12:01 AM on the 8th day (the 8th Day starting with the Incarnation)

Point is: the 6th day is all of Earth history with reptiles, mammals, etc and ended with the first two Homo Sapien Sapiens (refered to as Adam & Eve)

God Bless
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