My husband and I are both 24, married a little over a year and trying to save for our future. We have monthly expenses that are pretty high, and while DH makes a very decent income, things are still tight as we pay off debt and pay for counseling out of pocket (VERY expensive and insurance does not cover it). BTW, our debt is very basic: high student loans, car payment, credit card debt over extras that aren’t covered paycheck to paycheck. We have paid off our wedding rings, our new bed, we bought nice but used living room furniture that we paid cash for, etc.
Can everyone share their tips for saving money, cutting costs and even making an extra buck or two? It feels like we’re trying hard but just don’t have a lot of disposable income nor money to put in savings. I will share what we’re doing so far:
*coupons, refunds and rebates
*no cable tv
*dial-up internet
*strict budget for entertainment
*new clothes ONLY when an absolute necessity, and always on sale with store coupons
*newspaper only on Sunday (for coupons)
*only one car (still paying it off)
*rarely eat out
*packed lunch for work
Anyone else have any tips out there? We live in an expensive part of the country and I think this has something to do with it. Growing up in Kansas, food was cheap, everything seemed cheap! Here on the east coast, not so much…
It just seems like every month has something “necessary” come up. Last month it was a $800 car repair and $500 for eyeglasses and one set of contacts for DH, etc.
We need to go to the dentist and a few doctors (orthapedic and dermatologist–DH and I both have pre-cancerous skin issues) but it’s to the point that I am so sick of “extra” expenses that I’d almost rather not go! Silly, I know. We do have a small nest egg that DH and I saved before we got married, but it’s just been a really expensive year…and we hate touching our savings because we want to be able to buy a house SOMEHOW…some way…
I don’t feel like we’re “struggling” but I feel like we’re… juggling.
Any thoughts appreciated!!!
Can everyone share their tips for saving money, cutting costs and even making an extra buck or two? It feels like we’re trying hard but just don’t have a lot of disposable income nor money to put in savings. I will share what we’re doing so far:
*coupons, refunds and rebates
*no cable tv
*dial-up internet
*strict budget for entertainment
*new clothes ONLY when an absolute necessity, and always on sale with store coupons
*newspaper only on Sunday (for coupons)
*only one car (still paying it off)
*rarely eat out
*packed lunch for work
Anyone else have any tips out there? We live in an expensive part of the country and I think this has something to do with it. Growing up in Kansas, food was cheap, everything seemed cheap! Here on the east coast, not so much…
It just seems like every month has something “necessary” come up. Last month it was a $800 car repair and $500 for eyeglasses and one set of contacts for DH, etc.
We need to go to the dentist and a few doctors (orthapedic and dermatologist–DH and I both have pre-cancerous skin issues) but it’s to the point that I am so sick of “extra” expenses that I’d almost rather not go! Silly, I know. We do have a small nest egg that DH and I saved before we got married, but it’s just been a really expensive year…and we hate touching our savings because we want to be able to buy a house SOMEHOW…some way…
I don’t feel like we’re “struggling” but I feel like we’re… juggling.
Any thoughts appreciated!!!