Wow, so many more great suggestions…thank you, everybody!
sarah–i, too, have noticed the varying costs of items from store to store. it’s part of my coupon obsession
for the most part i stay away from walmart and super target because they don’t double coupons, even if their item is marked to a lower price–it ends up being less expensive at the grocery store with a double or triple coupon.
tom–very good suggestion! we, too, use debit cards very carefully throughout the month. before i was married, i never used a credit card for anything–if i had the cash to pay up front for something, then i would buy it. if not, i’d forget about it. now we use debit for everything up until the very end of the month when we may have to charge something here or there just to be sure all uncashed checks from different bills are fully covered.
legeorge–i think you are on to something
i don’t have to worry about gifts for my immediate family (siblings and parents) as we don’t exchange them–we just write “Christmas letters” to each other. but, i still have a baby neice i would love to do something for, cousins and friends that all insist on giving us gifts and sometimes it’s a struggle to reciprocate or to do so in an equally generous manner. up until this year, when we were in better contact with my dh’s parents and siblings–gift exchange with them was a complete nightmare. his parents were very offended if a certain amount wasn’t behind whatever gift–no matter what the actual gift was. his sisters have similar “strange” issues–very concerned with what their brother can buy them. fortunately that is not going to happen this year. (although, i do have some compassion for them after reading The Five Love Languages and realizing that some people show and receive love through gift giving–it’s not just overzealous materialism!!!)
bear06–I love your storie!. my dh and i are absolutely so excited to start a family someday soon, we hope. and this period of ‘juggling’ and sacrifice is really only whetting our appetite for that which is still to come, when we have little ones who must come first.
fitz–thanks for sharing your experience of ebay. i’ve been thinking about because i don’t want to pay all the ebay fees. i have a friend (in a different part of the country) who sells things she gets at store warehouses (like pottery barn) that are brand new but on sale–she sells them for just under ‘new’ price and makes so much money! that sounds a bit “involved” for me, but i could see selling my old books and making a few bucks a month.
jrabs–car insurance is a very good point! that is something we have talked about but not really done much about. my dh is somewhat of a AAA snob
he seems to think it’s “the best” insurance out there and that Geico would somehow have “less coverage” since it’s cheap–we haven’t checked it out, so there’s no basis in him sayint that
it is so expensive in philly to own a car and have insurance…15% savings would be huge. i will talk to him when he comes home from work! thank you!
Thanks everyone!