How Donald Trump’s developer dad and a Brooklyn rabbi saved a synagogue

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How Donald Trump’s developer dad and a Brooklyn rabbi saved a synagogue​

By Jon Levine
October 17, 2020

When congregants enter the Beach Haven Jewish Center in Gravesend, Brooklyn, they pass a small plaque hanging just outside the main sanctuary.

“Fred Trump. Humanitarian,” declare the gold embossed, all-caps letters. “Let this plaque be a token of our sincerest appreciation, never to be forgotten, always to be a shining light to all men who have faith.”

The plaque, inscribed Dec. 15, 1956, is the most visible reminder of an unlikely and mostly unknown friendship between the Lutheran real estate developer — and father of President Trump — and this enclave of Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.

Can’t get the link to open …sounds like it would be an interesting article though …maybe that is why the link doesn’t work. :roll_eyes:
There is an omission in the article.

Trump used none of his own money. It was done via federal funds. On the surface it looks nice.
I read this in his niece’s book.
But the source is earlier than the book by 3 years.
This touches on it.

Fred Trump used federal funding to build what became known as Beach Haven and what Woody would call “B_tch Havens” in time and after discovering the racism of Fred Trump. Fred methodically blocked black Americans from taking resident in his development. Woody responded with a song called “Old Man Trump.”
Also in same little article it goes on to note that Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK event
Fred Trump was arrested in 1927 for participating in a Ku Klux Klan rally in Queens.
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