“Apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5.Original Sin inclines us to sin.
These days, we know that many of the things that traditionally have been understood to be sinful have a biological/natural basis within the person. Individuals can be more prone to anger or getting drunk, for example, simply because that is how their brain works. Even more modern issues of morality, like homosexuality, often assume a possible biological/natural basis.
The perplexity/question then is this: Knowing what we do from science – how our inclinations to act sinful are often thanks to biological factors and conditions – what do we mean when we say that Original Sin is the cause of our inclination to sin? Do we mean that Original Sin affected our biology? This would be an interesting claim, since humans were put in a world that already had discrepancies in nature, even before the Fall: tornadoes, earthquakes, and thorns all existed before humans arrived on the scene. It would seem out of place for humans to exist on a different level in a world that already had these conditions.
So what then of original sin? Perhaps could it mean it is a lack of the ability to integrate our biological selves with a greater inclination to love God?
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt 19:26
Man has no righteousness, no integrity, no wholeness, apart from God. Man was made for communion with God. But we’re born out of communion, spiritually dead, lost, going our own way with no real moral groundedness, no knowledge of God until we find Him and we’re found by Him. Only in communion with God does man overcome death, and can man overcome sin. That’s the New Covenant in a nutshell.