Box Car Racer:
Box Car Racer:
Box Car Racer:
Box Car Racer:
It is not the responsibility of the property owner or manager to personally contact every potential skater in the vicinity and personally tell them they may not skate on the premises. That is the purpose of posting signs.Alright here goes, I didn’t use quotes, but you will know what I am talking about.
- What if you are skating there and nobody tells you anything even if there are signs. Somebody tells you something, you leave, that simple. There are spots where nobody has told me anything…
Box Car Racer:
Repairs to facilities damaged by skaters around our church and school (figuring in wages for maintenance staff, service fees for professional outside labor, and materials) can run to hundreds of dollars per incident, more if it involves concrete repair or welding. While we appreciate your willingness to pay for what you might damage, frankly we doubt if you can afford to do so and we would prefer that our facilities not be damaged in the first place.…2. The city would never do anything like that because a lot of people are messed up and you barely touch their drive way and they want to blow you up. There are too many of those people to be outnumbered by skaters
3. Yes, I would be willing to pitch in a few bucks for repairs and paint jobs. They should put a sign up list or something and when you use the spot you pay like 50 cents or something. Damage it, you pay so and so…
Box Car Racer:
Insisting that property be used for its proper use is not being greedy. Just as we can not afford to be forever repairing damages, neither can we afford to have someone investigate every incident and ban only those responsible. Even if we could, this doesn’t address the potential liability if we give permission for some skaters to use our facilities and someone is injured. Our only reasonable course of action is to ban all skateboarding…4. How is that not loving my neighbor? Isn’t that their fault for being greedy with their property? I don’t graffiti things or break benches. They should get after people who do it, not people who want to skate…
Box Car Racer:
Some of the more expensive repairs we have to do involve damaged concrete, and there is still the issue of liability for injuries.…5. What if you aren’t damaging the property? What if you’re just jumping stairs? You aren’t de-painting any rails of anything. All you’re hitting is concrete when you land.