Sometimes we need to learn to love despite our feelings. For example, the love between a husband and wife may not be based on feelings after the original feelings no longer remain. But on the will to love the other. Or even Jesus said to love your enemies. But how could we love our enemies if our love is based solely on our feelings? How can we love someone who has hurt us? Really, what is the essence of love? It doesn’t seem to be feeling, but something more. For to love often goes against feelings. Feelings can sometimes get in our way. Not that feelings are not good. But that they are at times imperfect and unreliable as to how to direct our actions. One day I may feel like doing something. Another day I may not feel like doing it. Those feelings don’t tell me however whether the thing is itself worth doing. My feelings do not ascribe its worth or ascribe worth to a person. A thing has merit based on what it is and its purpose, regardless of what my feelings are.
The love that passion that we feel which can motivate us to take action is itself a process of discovery and is thus not yet perfect. Unlike God whose love is already fully actualized for which no human emotion could improve upon.
The love that passion that we feel which can motivate us to take action is itself a process of discovery and is thus not yet perfect. Unlike God whose love is already fully actualized for which no human emotion could improve upon.