I can tell you that I am totally heartbroken for the victims, frustrated and angry at the hierarchy in the Church and wondering what my next step should be. I don’t want to donate any more money because they have spent so much on legal fees, I don’t know where my money is going, I’d rather just give to individual charities. The Bishop in our Diocese was named in an child abuse suit because he allowed a predator priest to use his beach house where he abused teens. He got off. I can tell you that even before that suit came about, I thought the man might not really believe in God, and he lives in the lap of luxury. I’m going to write to the pope, asking that priests and bishops take a vow of poverty. That will clean out a bunch of them who are in it for prestige and power. Considering these issues are also happening in the seminaries, I’d say Satan has quite a foothold. So, where do we go from here? We have to INSIST on change and protection for the children.