How important is it for celebrities to be good role models

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Do you think it is their duty to set a good example? Why or why not?
Celebrities are human. While I don’t feel sorry for them, I can assure you that if cameras and paparazzi followed me around they’d amplify every mistake I made and I’d come out horrible. Probably the same with most people, even if they won’t admit it. They should try to act decently, but so should the rest of us
Cajun’s got it right here.

On the flip side, each of us has a duty not to make people into our roll models just because they’re good singers or actors or athletes. We have Saints for that. 😃
It’s not important because we shouldn’t be relying on celebrities to set an example for us.

With the possible exception of children’s presenters (such as Fred Rogers, Captain Kangaroo etc.) who are essentially being paid to set a good example for children.
What kind of question is this? Everyone should be striving to be good role models.
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True, everyone should be striving to be good role models. That said, celebrities are constantly annoyed by others. A long time ago I was having dinner with a date in a very fine restaurant in Washington D.C. Seated several tables away from me was Tom Cruise and his wife (at the time) I had a wonderfully peaceful dinner with a lovely lady. Unfortunately for Mr. Cruise, he was bothered all night by autograph seekers and people who wanted a picture. He was generally gracious to all, but in a way I felt sorry for him, not being to enjoy a simple dinner with his wife.

Celebrities have a right to their privacy and sometimes they have to fight for it. Celebrities, especially athletes, I think have a little more responsibility to be so for young boys and girls who look up to them. Treating a kid badly is a no-no in my book.
If one is in the public eye, it is preferable that one set a good example for those who choose to be a part of the fan base.
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Since we have free will, celebrities have no obligation to be good role models. They are the same as ordinary folks.

It is nice when they do, because they have a platform that can influence many people.
I think this is an interesting question, as I feel as though celeberties (mostly in the confines of professional life, not personal) have influenced me poorly, especially in my younger years. Allow me to explain.

Let’s look at the extent to which athletes influence children. I think Gatorade ads are an incredible example of this. Gatorade is far from a healthy product, much less a sports drink, yet, through the power of throwing Tom Brady and JJ Watt in advertising materials, Gatorade effectively has managed to get young athletes to pick up their sugary beverage in lieu of water during sporting games. If an athlete can have that much power over a kid in regards to an amoral activity, what kind of power can she/he have over moral issues? Excessive celebrations in football, fighting in hockey, skipping basketball practice (I’m looking at you Allen Iverson!); these are just a few examples of how athletes act, only to later influence the kids who consume their media.

Actors are even worse. We’re raised in a cinematic culture in which first dates end in premarital sex, alcohol and drugs are glorified in high school settings, and those with self control, such as the temperate and virgin, are shown to be prude, with plot lines revolving around removing their purity.

Should we be surprised with the way our next generations turn out? Years ago, when they showed a parents’ bedroom, the show featured two separate single beds instead of a shared one. Now, I can’t watch certain sitcoms without have to look at sexualized scenes, characters, or themes.

To clarify, I realize not all of this is to be blamed on the actresses/actors who portray the characters, and most of the blame is on those who write the shows. Secondly, sad to say, most of the (sic) “advances” (that is, showing ‘more’) in television are done for shock; because, shock sells, just ask the horror movie industry.
They have to be good role models for others, just like any human being
I heard people spend a lot of time and energy trying to be famous …
And when they are…they wear sunglasses and don’t want to be recognized.

I think of King David - killed Uriah - took his wife.
Bad role modeling. Trouble dogged him all his days afterwards.

How the mighty fall.
Now- Daniel’s 3 friends -
Giving King Nebuchadnezzar- the nose up -
Bad a** role models ! 😇
I agree with this 100%

I also believe that the sin of scandal is greater for scandalous celebrities, politicians, clergy, etc because their influence reaches a larger audience.

God Bless
They should since they have so much influence on the world and the amount of followers they have. Most celebrities lead people to hell.
I think the answer is different depending on which words were left out of the question.

How important is it to me for celebrities to be good role models? Not at all. I have never expected someone to be a good role model for me just because they are famous. My Catholic faith supplies me with all the good role models I could ever want.

How important is it to the celebrity themselves for celebrities to be good role models? Extremely important. We should all strive to be good people that the younger and more impressionable can look up to and emulate. We want our example to encourage others to be better people, not worse people.

How important is it to society-at-large for celebrities to be good role models? Somewhat important. Regardless of whether or not people should look up to celebrities, many people do look up to celebrities. Celebrities are cultural influencers. We want them to be influencing the culture for good, not for ill.
I would expand on this–that actors in children’s media have a responsibility to be good role models.
Kids are very aware of celebrity gossip and very easily swayed by what their favorite stars say and do…

Dunno how one would go about enforcing it, though.
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