Lisa N said:>>
Sorry maybe I should give up but to say many cheat is IMO irresponsible. Please tell me how you know this? I think it disparages all of us who earned our grades and diplomas through hard work and diligence.
As to the decision, certainly money comes into it although it’s clear one can make more money ON AVERAGE with a college degree versus high school only. If after college you are a social worker making ten bucks an hour, well maybe it didn’t pan out monetarily although from a personal satisfaction level some jobs have other benefits. OTOH I picked out my job from the newspaper because there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so to speak. I had no problem getting a job out of college and do not think I will ever be unemployed because some skills are always in demand
Lisa N (who NEVER CHEATED and graduated with high honors)
Survery Says!! Published surveys of college students showed they admitted to cheating. These are students admitting cheating.