The Church teaches that homosexual acts are a sin like adultery, masterbation, fornication… So I have no problem with people believing it’s sinful. But no one ever speaks about those other sins in this fashion: “awful to imagine”, “perverse acts”, “most vile and unclean imaginable”… That sort of “disgust” is reserved especially for LGBT people. No wonder they think Christians hate them. Picking on them as if their sin is the worst. As if they were the only one’s sinning. That isn’t teaching truth in love. It’s prejudice. It’s what convinces me that the Church’s teaching stems from cultural bias and not morality.Awful stuff to imagine I know - but this is how they won, centering it on a “rights” issue on the person level, and not focusing on the nuts and bolts of their perverse acts.
On an aside, I find it ironic how gay men seem so “clean-cut” in appearance, whereas the acts they engage in in private are the most vile and unclean imaginable.
Another aside observation, how lesbians say they are attracted to females, but then end up with unfeminine “manly” women - just a first-hand observation, very odd.
I’m just feeling really discouraged and unmotivated this week - definitely not feeling very patriotic, just in time for July Fourth.