God’s efficacious graces enlightens our minds and we always FREELY choose the good.
God bless
Except when God showers us with grace and we freely choose evil in spite of God’s grace.
While your above statement is correct, yet
hides the crux of the matter and can confuse those who are not familiar with Catholic Soteriology and may
erroneously believe people sometimes reject efficacious graces which is
never happen.
I reformulate your above statement as follows
according to Catholic Soteriology:
God wills to permit us an act of sin for the reason to convert our act of sin into a greater good God provides us a
sufficient grace to resist sin and we every time
FREELY reject His sufficient grace and we every time
FREELY commit the act of sin and God converts our sins into a
greater good.
God wills not to permit us an act of sin, God provides us an
efficacious grace to resist sin and we every time
FREELY reject the temptation of sin.
302 The universe was created in a
state of journeying (in statu viae)
toward an ultimate perfection yet to be attained, to which God has
destined it.
protects and governs all things which he has made.
307 God thus enables men to be intelligent and free,
causes in order to complete the work of creation, to perfect its harmony for their own good and that of their neighbors.
Though often
unconscious collaborators with God’s will, they can also enter
deliberately into the divine plan by their actions.
He directs all, even evil and sin itself, to
the final end for which the universe was created.
Evil He converts into good and suffering He uses as an instrument whereby to train men up as a father traineth up his child
Nor would God permit evil at all, unless He could draw good out of evil (St. Augustine, Enchir, xi in P.L. LX, 236; Serm.
As we see above;
God directs all, even evil and sin itself.
At the point when God permits evil and sin,
that is the point when God needs
sufficient graces and He provides us sufficient graces to resist sin and we every time
FREELY reject sufficient grace and we every time
FREELY commit the act of sin.
Page 121; Fr. Most identifies the metaphysical issue as follows:
Sufficient grace gives man the
potency to do good, but
do not give the application.
For the application
efficacious grace is required to move him from potency
to act.
sufficient grace is insufficient to move him to act. End quote.
As we see above, as long as God wants to
convert our sins into a greater good God has to provide us sufficient graces to resist sin.
If God would provide us only efficacious graces to resist sin, would be
no sin committed in the world.
God bless