How is Original sin passed on?

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I see the problem very clearly. It is irrational arguments against the Church and her teachings.
Why the argument is irrational if you see that there is a problem there? Do you mean that every argument which make sense but since it against church teaching then it is irrational?
I started a good debate with this question, based on the responses. Assume evolution is correct. Then somewhere in the process God took a hominid and raised it a level that made Adam the first man with a soul. He fell because of Original Sin with Eve. Then doesn’t that make death and disease the “natural” state of mankind? Which Adam fell back into because of Original Sin. Obviously the hominids before him lived, became sick and died. Keep in mind many people don’t believe in a “Fall”.
we cannot use pure logic to either defend our faith or to evaluate our beliefs. that is why it is taught by our fathers in faith that where reason stops, faith continues; and that faith and reason are the two wings on which Christianity flies.

it is very obvious that original sin has nothing to do with man’s physical nature.

by faith and only by faith, we believe that man’s spiritual nature was altered by original sin. then we can safely stand on the logical table that everyone inherits the spiritual nature of their parents just as is seen in the physical inheritance.

this can serve as a simplistic understanding of the transmission of original sin through every generation.
Obviously the hominids before him lived, became sick and died. Keep in mind many people don’t believe in a “Fall”.
What hominids before Adam? Death isn’t recorded till after the folly in the garden.
Original sin is a sole action assuming that it really happened and does carry guilt for those who perform it!
  1. Why we should have guilt for the action we have never performed?
  2. Why the simple act of Baptizim would remove the guilt?
  3. Creating a being who could do sin knowing the fact they are immortal is conceptually problematic since they eventually perform a sin no matter how long it would take! We are talking about an eternal life being very careful to don’t perform a single sin. Does that sound like hell!?
What do you think happened and whom should you believe and why?

1] Define guilt. Do you feel guilt of your sins and responsible? Probably a good sign not sure what it has to do with anything yet.

2] Contingent on one [proposal of guilt]

3] You’ll have to elaborate, I might be missing part of your thinking. Sounds like robots without free-will.
What do you think happened and whom should you believe and why?

1] Define guilt. Do you feel guilt of your sins and responsible? Probably a good sign not sure what it has to do with anything yet.

2] Contingent on one [proposal of guilt]

3] You’ll have to elaborate, I might be missing part of your thinking. Sounds like robots without free-will.
That is just myth considering the fact that there different versions of them in different Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There are similar myth even between aboriginal Australian. The story is however a Sumerian Myth in origin (you can google it).

The story is however problematic because Wise God would never put a being with capacity to perform sin in a sinful position forever then punish them for performing the sin. In nut shell, it is very clear what is outcome of putting a person in a sinful position forever: the person eventually perform the sin especially when there is a temptation made by Satan involved in the story.
That is just myth considering the fact that there different versions of them in different Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There are similar myth even between aboriginal Australian. The story is however a Sumerian Myth in origin (you can google it).

The story is however problematic because Wise God would never put a being with capacity to perform sin in a sinful position forever then punish them for performing the sin. In nut shell, it is very clear what is outcome of putting a person in a sinful position forever: the person eventually perform the sin especially when there is a temptation made by Satan involved in the story.
Could you be wrong in what you are saying, thus possibly be a myth or did you say you have conclusive evidence of this? I take it God hasn’t revealed His healing plan? 🙂

Why is death punishment and why is pain punishment? Could it be you value the world and perceive this as such?
To my understanding and memory in reading Doctor of the Church Saint Catherine of Sienna in the dialog edition, when God sent the Son for the rescue, fear… of a God of all punishment was removed and holy fear of God remained. ( a virtue) The Sin of Adam was removed God explains to the Saint and only the scar was left . At Baptism grace is poured into the scar.
The story is however problematic because Wise God would never put a being with capacity to perform sin in a sinful position forever then punish them for performing the sin. In nut shell, it is very clear what is outcome of putting a person in a sinful position forever: the person eventually perform the sin especially when there is a temptation made by Satan involved in the story.
Seems to me you think you are smarter than God? 😉

In other words, if you were God, you would never have created beings with a free will? :confused:
It is a mystery.
However, it has been revealed that each one of us is an incarnation of man.
We know also that as a species, we made a very bad decision in Adam.
In Christ, who is both man and God, we are given a second chance, unavailable to the angels, to choose God.
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