My husband and I were trying for one year before we conceived our baby. We had been contracepting the first 5 years of our marriage until I started listening to Catholic radio and realized that what we were doing was wrong. We took an NFP class (sympto-thermal) and gradually trusted that method enough to use it not to conceive. Then last April, we decided to start trying to conceive. I don’t know why… but I thought that it would happen right away! I was devastated every month when AF came. My family thought that I was crazy for expecting to get pregnant right away and I thought that they were crazy for thinking that it could take a year or more to get pregnant.
After six months of trying I decided to talk with my OB/GYN doc about it. He just brushed me off saying that “if 100 couples checked into a hotel where they couldn’t leave until they conceived, it would take a year before 80 of them were checked out”. That was of little consolation to me. That was fine for other couples, but this was ME we were talking about here!
I had heard of a Dr. in Omaha that dealt with the issue of infertility, yet did it all while following what the Catholic Church teaches about fertility and women’s health. I called his office and found a person locally (I am in the Chicago area) that taught his method of NFP. It is based on the Billings method. I had to chart using his method for 2 cycles before the Dr would review my charts.
So I charted, and it seemed like an eternity, but after 2 months he reviewed my charts and found that I may have some hormonal deficiencies or anomalies. He recommended a serial blood test, which was a series of blood draws over the course of one cycle. I was able to do this long distance through a lab here in Chicago then at the end of the cycle we sent all of the samples to his lab in Omaha. He found that my hormone levels were flip-flopped. When my estrogen should be high it is low, and when my progesterone should be high it is low. I also have a depressed thyroid and some other more minor hormonal anomalies.
Anyway, this was back in January. The Dr recommended that I come down to Omaha in May for several tests and surgery. He suspected that I had Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease, but that can’t be completely diagnosed unless he physically saw my ovaries. We ended up conceiving in March, so thankfully I didn’t need surgery! Also, because my progesterone level was so low the Dr put me on progesterone injections to ensure that the baby would stay. Low progesterone is often associated with high rates of miscarriage.
I don’t know why it took so long for us to conceive, but looking back I see so much spiritual growth in me and my husband. We really dove into our faith and became resolute to accept what God indended for our lives. We started studying the Theology of the Body and became more active in our parish. I know these things would not have happened had we conceived right away. I am not saying that our situation applies to you, but this is what we needed to go through to get to where we are right now.
Ok… this is getting quite long, so I should get to the point.
Know that you aren’t alone. I know for me that didn’t help, because it was fine if all of those other people were trying, but I wanted a baby!! Secondly, don’t feel like your crazy for wondering if something wrong or just wondering why you aren’t conceiving. I was so sick of hearing people say… you’ve only been trying X amount of time… that’s nothing!! Then they’d laugh and I wanted to injure them
) Third, here is the name and # of the Dr. that I worked with Dr. Thomas Hilgers, Pope Paul VI Institute (402)390-6600. He and his nurses are just outstanding human beings. You may want to contact him just to ease your fears.
Please hang in there. I will be praying for you, and I will offer up mass for you when I go on Thursday.
Sorry this is so long!