How long did you date before you got engaged?

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About a year, and we had a long engagement of a year and a half. We were a long distance relationship, so we had to round up our ducks and get them in a row before we could be together.
We met and then started dating “officially” about a month later. We dated 11 months and were engaged for a year.

My parents were also engaged after only 4 months. My mom said they were engaged for about a year or so. Apparently my mom’s mother was not happy about it since my mom was quite young and my dad was 8 years older…even though they met at church. And my mom was the one who initiated the relationship lol. But, thankfully my dad was and is awesome (they both are) and they have been married 29 years now.
I have read all your post and what I concluded is that usually the dating lasted for only a few months and the engagement lasted for usually less than a year.

I wonder if it is something culturally linked to North America, or a generation matter. Or because most of us are concerned Catholics who don’t cohabit before. Because from my outsider perspectives and my european norm, I would call that hurried marriage…
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We dated officially for 5 months. And then I found out I was pregnant. Then we got married in the Catholic Church a year and a half later. we didn’t want to make it look like we were just getting married just because of the baby. Now we have 2 kids, married for almost 3 years. Sounds like a bad idea, but we’re so happy and I can’t imagine it going any other way with my husband. We go to mass every Sunday with both our girls and my 2.5 year old already knows what to do at mass and makes the sign of the cross after dipping her hand in holy water. We didn’t technically start off “right” but we’re doing our best to be a strong catholic family 🙂
That’s funny, because that’s not what I think of when I hear ‘shotgun marriage’. To me it implies a forced marriage; literally or figuratively at the point of a gun. Usually because the young couple did something they weren’t suppose to. It’s mostly an old west stereotype that’s lived on for some reason.
Okay, thanks you for the correction.
I am not a native English speaker, so, may you indicate a more accurate word for a “rushed” marriage? If there is any?

I will correct my post as soon as I can.
No, you weren’t wrong. It can mean a hurried marriage as well, that’s just not typically how I’ve heard it used.
We dated for about 6 months before I proposed and she accepted. We were married about 7 months later. We are coming up on 34 years of marriage this year.
I want to say we dated for about a year and a half and then our engagement was another year and a half.
How long did you date before you got engaged?
I met my wife on this site. We didn’t meet in person for about a year. Saw each other in person a few times after that plus a lot of Skype chats. I proposed about 8 months after meeting her for the first time.
I knew she was the one the first time I met her.
How did you meet her on Catholic Answers? Did you like her answers and decided to private message her? It’s a unique story so I’m curious! 🙂
How did you meet her on Catholic Answers? Did you like her answers and decided to private message her? It’s a unique story so I’m curious!
She was a convert. I was discerning a vocation as a Dominican priest. I PM’d her on a thread she started. We chatted about the faith and stuff. At the end of my year as a novice I decided to leave. We continued chatting and it just kind of developed from there.
Here’s the original thread she posted:
Opus Dei vocation Vocations
Hello. My name is Zaiga, I’m a 19 year old girl from Latvia. I am unsure of my vocation and would really appreciate some help. This year on the Holy Week an Opus Dei numerarie and I went to Rome, we attended UNIV forum in Rome and met so many people from Opus Dei, and I got to know other numeraries & other members from all around the world. On the third day being in Rome, someone jokingly said to me, that I should become a numerarie. They weren’t being serious, but the thought struck me and …
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