How long will the quarantine/shut downs/social distancing last?

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What’s your best guess? Geography undoubtedly will play a part. But as things ramp up here in the US where I am, I’m asking folks to place your bets.
In the USA, I’m betting on 8-10 weeks.
The problem with guestimating any city-wide lifting of restrictions is that it takes but one person to re-start the exposure cycle. Hello, Square One!
There is always a chance that a virus mutate in the midst of a vaccine being prepared.
We can only go day by day.
If they shut the schools my wife and I will both have to leave work I think?
With everything shut down and people social distancing and staying in their homes, will the vrus die out or will it still be waiting when we try to resume our
lives again?
In theory, it would die out…mostly, it would dramatically lower infections and give us time to understand, treat, and develop a vaccine without overloading our hospitals. What we need is time to do this.
Lol! I’d actually forgotten about his arrangement! Although I do recall hearing it at sock hops; most of my awake time in the late 50s and early 60s involved quiet study time. The Everly Brothers claimed a lot of radio air time when I was home with my son and had the radio turned on most of the time.
I feel like with the hardships there will be opportunities. Opportunities for people to show their worst, scamming and otherwise taking advantage of others, but there will also be opportunities to grow in holiness, for people to genuinely put the good of others in front of their own wants and needs. There will be opportunities for people to be saintly. I pray we all try and be one of those.
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At first I thought he said Eberle Brothers and I’m, Yay Big Band era. . .
It says that about 1/3 of the world’s population was affected in 1918-19. I’m wondering if that was similar in number to the Black Plague of the middle ages?
It is for Europe overall but the Plague hit and missed quite a bit. Some entire counties had hardly any cases and in others, entire villages died…every single person! Overall, Europe lost about 1/3 of its population and was a major reason that serfdom ended!
My county is our states hot spot.
I check the number of cases every morning.
This morning we had a 100 case jump from yesterday.

I know it’s on a state by state basis, but I don’t see this ending anytime soon.
I’m in NJ and it’s scary here.

The total number of coronavirus cases in my town is 39 after five more positive cases were reported by county officials on Friday. My town had one of the first cases in NJ and thankfully that patient has recovered.

The total for our county is now 117 cases and 39 of those cases are residents of my town. There have been no deaths in my town.

Statewide, there are now 8,825 cases and 108 deaths.
Where I live in Alabama it’s jumped up to over 500+ and the county I live in has 17 cases. I can’t leave my house because I have two auto immune disorders and I’m only 33 years old. As to the original posters question I’m thinking about 5 more months I’m hoping I’m wrong though.
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